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Gerard didn't really know friendship all too well, every friend he did have eventually left. He didn't mind all that much, being alone felt normal to him. Comforting almost. He needed to be alone to fix himself, but everyone needs someone, right?

Gerard worked in a comic book store that smelt too much like damp and coffee, he didn't know why but he thought this was the smell of nerds. Gerard was a nerd. His favourite things to do were to make stories up in his head and draw comics, read comics, comics comics comics. For Gerard, this was an escape -a kind of release. He would get so involved in the stories he read or told that he would start to believe he was them. Now, Gerard didn't know if this was because of his schizophrenia or his ability to get attached to things. A mixture of both. This was a good release for Gerard. it's always good to have a release that's beneficial. and for Gerard, it was comics. Everything he used to escape in the past was self destructive. Drugs and alcohol was his vice for a certain amount of time. Gerard didn't really remember much from that time, and he's glad he couldn't. The real reason why he did it in the first place was to escape and forget. It took a total of 17 days for Gerard to get clean and sober. that was over a year ago now, and since then he's been trying to keep a positive outlook on the world. Every now and then he has days where he wants to just blow his brains against the ceiling. But he keeps calm and uses his release. the phrase 'just think happy thoughts' had become a lifestyle for him. Most people didn't appreciate Gerard's chirpy demeanour, too shiny and happy about everything. Most people thought he was mad and they were right.
it was Gerard's 19th birthday and he was working at the comic store, he wasn't too pleased about it but he kept neutral to his bosses decision.

the sound of the door alerted Gerard that someone had entered the store.
Familiar noises echoed around the corner of the shop, where the manga was situated. He couldn't place the noise to anything specific so he followed it until he found a man, or a boy? he wasn't too sure. sat on the floor below the book shelf. This guy looked rather disheveled; his grey t shirt had spots of red, his hands were busted up and bruised, and his hair was matted, sticky with what Gerard presumed was blood.
Gently, Gerard nudged the guy's shoulder.
The guy yelped suddenly and leaped up, not making eye contact with Gerard. This made it obvious that the guy was 5 foot nothing and had many colourful drawings littering his arms. Gerard was fascinated by this and reached out to touch one which looked like a lady, a nun? with swords and a heart. Very pretty. Apon doing so, Gerard was pushed forcefully backwards into the bookcase, hitting his head quite firmly and falling into a heap on the ground.

He looked up at the guy, searching for his eyes and painting a look on his face which resembled a 'what was that for?' The guy had his arms by this side, his fists were clenched and ready for action. He breathed deeply and sharply. The headphones that were on his head had fallen off and suddenly Gerard remembered! This misfits blurted loudly around the store, too loud. Gerard's head was hurting. He pushed himself up and stood next to the guy, feeling quite proud of his hight next to him.

'Hey man, uh, im not sure what happened to you but um, im not here to hurt you. I just want to make sure you're okay...' Gerard spoke softly.

'I'm not okay. I was beaten up, I guess' the guy said roughly, his voice blunt and sore

'And are these guys still with us. because uh I can call the police-'

'NO. no please don't, jesus if my dad finds out ive been fighting again he will quite literally beat my ass' the guy stated sharply, coughing halfway through, to revel his lovely, soft voice.

'Uh ok dude. I won't. listen, do you need anything, water, bandages, a lift home?' gerard asked shyly

'Nah I'm okay man, I just need to hang here for a bit until those fuckers disappear' The guy's eyes skimmed the shop quickly

Gerard thought that referring to this guy as 'the guy' was getting kind of dull, so he introduced himself, hoping this would get his name.

'Yeah that's fine, im gerard by the way...' Gerard's voice trailed off when the guy looked him directly in the face. He was very attractive, too attractive. Even with blood in his hair and other his face, he was so pretty. Gerard suddenly felt rather bashful

'Hey gerard, im Frank. Frank Iero. Sorry about pushing you over' Frank smiled, side hugging the taller gentleman.

''s okay frank...' gerard said quietly, blushing.

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