Chapter 3

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As Chiaki came home from the beach, she heard some yelling from inside her house. She sighed, while opening the door

The force of the slap knocked Chiaki to the ground, she winced as she made contact with the floor. Her dad was there, holding a report card, while her mom was looking down sadly, knowing she couldn't do anything to control her husband.

"You god damn lazy piece of shit! You got F's and D's! It's because of that damn game of yours!"
Her dad grabbed the console as Chiaki desperately tried to grab it, but it was too late, her dad had already smashed it to pieces.

"Maybe next time you'll be less of a disappointment!". Chiaki sat on her knees, looking at the broken console, she said nothing as she ran upstairs and cried herself to sleep.

Next day

Chiaki woke up, feeling as drowsy as every, her eyes puffy from the night before. She got up to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I look like a mess she thought as she got ready
She slowly but surely walked down the stairs, making sure her dad wasn't home. When she was sure he was gone she ran down, grabbed some toast and went out the door, starting another stressful day of school.

                    [Komaeda's pov]
"Ah, Nanami!" I ran over to her but tripped on my face mid-way there. (Rip Nagito Sans Komaeda)
"Are you okay?" Chiaki asked as she pulled me up

"Haha yeah, I'm as clumsy as ever...anyways do you wanna walk to class together? Hajime told me he'll be running late" I mumbled on, fumbling with the buttons on my uniform

"Sure, it's better than waiting for Hajime and being late.." She responded, but I noticed something was off, Nanami seemed...sad, she didn't have that calming and happy aura like she always did

"Hey Chiaki, are you okay?"
She looked a bit shocked as she nodded her head and spoke "Yeah..I'm fine"

"Well if you ever need someone to talk to me and Hajime are always here" I said with a smile, she was probably lying but I didn't wanna pry anymore

Without looking up she gave a small thanks and continued on as we made our way to class.

Sorry for the short chapter, next one is gonna be longer so I might take a while, I just have no motivation-
This is my first fic after all, hopefully I can learn from this and improve my skills for later fics
That's all, bye for now!


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