Tony Stark

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Athena Pov

I stood by Iron-Man side as the battle raged on. Fighting the Chitari and taking down Loki. Hulk delivered the final blow that knocked him out.

Thor went with the S.H.E.I.L.D agents that took Loki and put him in a cell within the tower. Oh, you don't know me do you?

My name is Ares. I am the goddess of war. I found myself teleported to a strange time where i met IronMan and Thor. I was very confused when Tony came out of the suit the first time.

Captain america helped me adjust to the world as he went through the same thing. Except he was in a block of ice for like 60 years. Him and Tony fight like a couple often.

Everyone was slowly filling up the room after taking showers and dealing with their wounds. Im sitting on a bar stool drinking some scotch. I hear the stool next to me sink slightly.

"What's gotcha drinking Ares? We got the bad guy. Not that i wont drink to that." Tony said pouring himself a glass of something strong. I laughed lightly and shook my head.

"Just. Thinking of what the world has come to." I answer his question truthfully. He nods and finishes his drink at the same time as i do. We both turn our glasses over and stand up.

"I think im going to visit the prisoner. I am very curious as to why he chose to attack our world." I say and begin walking to the elevator. Tony stops me.

"Be careful Ares. He has a silver tongue." Tony warned. I rolled my eyes and slapped his chest playfully. "Tony im the goddess of war. I know when someones trying to trick me" i remind him before heading down to the cell.

The elevator doors open and i walk straight to his cell. The guard doesn't even ask he just opens the door for me. I decide to test the theory that tony is watching me through the cameras.

I open Loki's cell and step inside before the guard closes it. "Hello Loki." I state simply. The god raised an eyebrow at me and opened his mouth to speak but tony burst through the door.

"Ares get out of there right now!" He yelled. His face red. I giggled quietly though loki heard and gave me a knowing look before i left.

"Whatcha need Tony?" I ask him. Tony grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. I gasped as his lips met mine.

I happily kissed him back before I hear a cough. I see loki and blush. Tony pulls me to his room and we make out through the night.

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