Wings I

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"DOES SOMEONE WANT TO TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" A certain black and blue vigilante screamed into the thick air of Gotham.

"Bad guy, magical gun. It's not that hard to figure out. But I know your special so I'll let it slide." Red Hood stated and got a glare from his brother


"Listen Golden Boy just because you slept through your alert doesn't mean you get to yell at us. We should be doing that to you!" Hood snapped and Nightwing groaned

"If you two girls are done, we have a fight to finish!" Red Robin yelled at the two hero's glared at him but joined back into the fight.

Trying to focus on the fight at hand rather then his son arguing, Batman sent a punch into the thugs face. It was weird, usually normal street thugs don't have this much power for one, and don't carry around weapons like the gun he was holding. Standing above the fallen villain Batman slammed his foot onto the mans chest. "Where did you get that gun?" Batman growled but the thug didn't seem phased. Instead his face was creating a smirk. He pointed the gun at Batman and pulled the trigger....

"You missed."

"Now now Batman here's one thing you need to know about me. I.Never.Miss." Batman's eyes widened under the mask and he spun around to see three of his son standing not far from him. As if it were a boomerang, the bullet from the gun started moving backwards and was aiming for the three hero's. "MOVE!" Batman screamed and his boys jumped in surprise. Dick turned around to see the bullet heading towards them and quickly threw his brothers to the side making him the target and not them.


The bullet pierced Nightwing's shoulder blade. Wing's breath caught in his throat as a surging pain erupted through his body. He gritted his teeth and brought a hand up to the bullet wound and now cracked shoulder blade. "Damn it.." He muttered and glared at the thug with pained eyes.

"You bastard..." Batman growled and knocked the thug unconscious. He hauled him off the ground and threw him into the wall. He punched him repeatedly in the face breaking his jaw and multiple teeth. Arms latched around his torso and he froze. "Stop it! Stop it this isn't you! Please..." Nightwing cried and the bat grunted as the grip around his toros loosened. He caught the boy before he fell onto the ground.

"Let's get him home.."


Batman carried an unconscious Nightwing into the medical bay. He laid him on the work table and peeled back the Kevlar to reveal the wound. "My word! What has happened?" Bruce pulled off his cowl and turned to his old friend. "He got shot by some sort of gun. It wasn't normal more like...fictional. It seemed to have no effect on Dick other then a wound and damaged shoulder blade."

Alfred nodded and got to work. He pulled on a pair of gloves and tweezers. He made his way to Dick right side and opened the wound just enough to pull out the bullet. From the side, Bruce could see Dick's face tense. He grabbed the boys hand and held it in his own. His son was injured and his Daddybats mode had clicked in.

"I successfully removed the bullet but is does seem the Master Dick's top shoulder blade is shattered. He will need to rest it off for a good while." Alfred informed while he finished wrapped Dick's shoulder in a firm bandage to keep it still. Bruce smiled at him. "Thank you Alfred." "Anytime sir."

Bruce picked Dick up bridal style and carried up to the mansion. Once he was through the clock he was surrounded by his younger sons. "Is Goldie ok? What'd Alfred say?" Jason question and Bruce put a finger to his lips. "He's ok Jason just a shattered shoulder blade." Bruce stayed and Jason crossed his arms. "You say that like it's nothing."

Bruce sighed feeling a headache spark. "It is something so that is why he needs rest and he can't have rest with noise. I'm going to put him in bed and you three should do the same." Without waiting for a response, Bruce headed out of the study and up the stairs. He stepped into the young Graysons room and laid the boy on the bed. He kissed his temple and head for the door.

"Br'c?" Dick slurred and Bruce turned to look back at his boy. "Go to sleep chum. It will be alright." The middle age Wayne stated. "It hrts.." Dick mumbled and Bruce, now in front of Dick, slid his hand through Graysons black mop of hair. "I know son but your going to have to bare with it for a while. Alfred gave you pain medicine that should kick in in a few minutes." Dick nodded and Bruce kissed his temple once more. "Goodnight Dickie."


Bruce had woken up early in the morning so he wouldn't be late to yet another meeting. Before he headed down stairs he peered into Dick's room to find the boy laying still on his back. Shaking his head he headed to the kitchen to grab a quick meal. He at a plate of eggs, bacon, and fruit, said his goodbyes to Alfred, and headed out the door.

He drove to Wayne Enterprises and prepared for a long day of sitting....yay....

(With Dick- 10:40)

Dick's bright blue eyes peeled open. He groaned at the light peeking through the curtains and slowly sat up. Minding his right shoulder, he stretched as best as he could and stood from the bed. Grabbing his phone, he noticed his back feeling heavy and when he entered his bathroom he figured out why. He yelled in surprise and stumbled back. There was a knock at the door and Dick quickly went into his bathroom.

"Master Dick are you alright?" The voice of Alfred came from his bedroom door. Dicks breath caught in his throat and he shut and locked the bathroom. "M'fine Alfred! Just...going to take a shower!" Dick yelled. "Yes sir, just be mindful of that shoulder of yours." Alfred stayed and Dick replied with an 'ok, thanks'.  

Once he knew Alfred was gone he took a good look at himself in the mirror with widened eyes. Attached to his back were a pair of huge black angle like wings. Shakily he opened his phone and pulled up a contact.


He hit the call button and anxiously waited for the other line to open.

"......Hello? Dick?" Bruce's voice was heard and Dick gave a silent praise

"Bruce how fast can you get home?" Dick asked

"Depends. Is everything alright? Your wound didn't reopen did it? Is it infected?" Bruce asked

"N-No none of that it's just...that gun from yesterday didn't just give me a wound..."

To Be Continued

Hi :)

Sorry I haven't posted I was working on my new story called "Blood Ties"

*whispers* go read it heheh


The idea just popped in my head and I was like "hey why not" so I did it :)

Hope you enjoyed....



Ok bye


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