Sneaking Potions || Seamus Finnigan

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Potions with Slughorn is definitely different than it was with Snape

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Potions with Slughorn is definitely different than it was with Snape. Slughorn is a lot more caring about his students, but he gives a lot of his attention to his favorites. Seamus and I were definitely not one of them. Usually Dean and Seamus would pair together for potions but Dean decided he would rather not have most of his potions grade go up in literal smoke. I however was fine with the idea of being paired with Seamus, he was a close friend of mine but my heart wanted him to be a bit more. I also had found a way for none of our potions to blow up due to Seamus' accidental touch of pyrotechnics.

"Okay Seamus just follow the preparation instructions and I'll put the ingredients in and mix. Please tell me if you need help with anything, I really need a good grade on this one."  It was close to Valentine's Day so Slughorn decided that love potions was the best way to get us in the spirit of things. "Oh? Are you planning on sneaking some into your own vial so you can slip it to the man of your dreams?" If he wasn't chopping ingredients for the potion I would have smacked his arm. "Why? You think I'm going to slip some to you?" He stopped chopping for a moment. "Am I the man of your dreams L/N?" He had the biggest goofy smile on his face and in that moment I almost said yes. But I didn't want to reveal my huge crush on him that very second. "You wish Finnigan." We always used our last names when we were joking with each other, it was mostly to mock Harry and Draco's rivalry. He let out a small laugh and went back to chopping, he seemed less chipper now but he'd get back to his usual self soon.

We had finally finished the potion a few minutes before we needed to turn it in and I reluctantly trusted Seamus with putting it into the grading vials. "Please be careful I really need this grade." He looked up at me after filling the vials, a smug look on his face. "It's just across the room Y/N don't worry." I was still worried, even if it's just across the room there were so many ways it could go wrong. But luckily for both of us he made it without incident. "See, nothing to worry about." His big goofy smile was back and now I was smiling too. "Oh my grade is saved by the great Seamus Finnigan." I did a little pretend swoon and I could hear his chuckling and then a small explosion. Immediately I looked straight at him. "It wasn't me." He had his hands up in innocent protest and I looked around the room for where it came from. This poor pair of students in the corner were covered in their own potion. "Alright you're off the hook, you got lucky this time."


It was a hogsmeade weekend and some friends of mine decided we had to go discover the hidden shops of the little wizarding village. And sure enough we did find hidden shops and spent the day there looking through them and buying small things we liked. I found a bottle that was supposedly enchanted to make anything from it taste like rum, I of course bought it for Seamus. He's been trying to get something like it for ages so I figured it'd be a nice present.

When we got back from hogsmeade and went to the common room, though it seemed that Seamus had the same idea as me and got me a present as well. The present being a mug of butterbeer but it's the thought that counts. Though he usually only gets me something to say that he's sorry for blowing something up. "What exploded this time?" His goofy grin was replaced by a look of shock. "Why do you assume I blew something up?" I snorted at how he had decided to think that he didn't get apologetic explosion gifts. "Because that's what you do. You accidentally blow something up and then you apologize. The bigger the gift the bigger the explosion." Honestly sometimes I feel like he explodes things on purpose. "Well for once I didn't blow anything up... not that I know of at least." I let out a laugh and looked to Dean who was standing next to Seamus and he gave me a nod of confirmation that Seamus was in fact telling the truth. "Well okay then. Cheers!" I raised the butterbeer and took a sip. It tasted a bit sweeter than usual but it was a good sweet, it was still butterbeer anyway. Seamus kept watching me as if he was expecting something to happen, whatever it was didn't happen as I saw his face fall a bit after a moment. Did he think my hair was going to change color or something because of the butterbeer? "Oh I got something for you too actually!" The thought of the bottle that I got him came to mind and I put the butterbeer down and got out the bottle.

"Here!" I said presenting the bottle to him. "It's enchanted to make things taste like rum!" I watched his eyes light up as he took the bottle from me. Immediately he poured some of his own butterbeer into it and tasted it. "Blimey! It tastes just like it! Y/N you are the best!" I could feel myself blushing when he hugged me after tasting it. After he let me go I took another drink from my butterbeer and his face fell again. "What? What is it you keep looking disappointed." He let out a breath as if to prepare himself for a scolding.

"The love potion didn't work did it?" What. "What do you mean love potion?" Was I going insane? "In your butterbeer... I put a love potion in... so you'd go out with me." No wonder the butterbeer was unusually sweet. "But I obviously made it wrong because it didn't work..." I'm not sure if I should be mad or delighted. He obviously liked me enough to find a way to find a way to get me to be with him but he did it in such an idiotic way.

"Seamus you dimwit I'm already in love with you!" I don't know what came over me but I just kinda blurted it out. Maybe it was the love potion that made me do it but there was no taking it back now. "I'm really sor- Wait what did you say?" He looked dumbstruck. "Love potions don't work if the drinker is already in love with the person who made it. We learned that in potions class." A flash of realization washed over his face, he was speechless. Dean had left by now and it was just the two of us in one common room. It seemed people didn't seem to want to interrupt us. I took a deep breath and chugged down the rest of my butterbeer, I seemed to have this false sense of confidence from it but I didn't care, it gave me the courage I needed to do what I was about to. I put the empty butterbeer mug down and took the the stuff from Seamus' hands, breaking his daze to where we was finally aware of what was going on. Though he still had no words coming out. I grabbed his face in both hands and pulled him to me, plantings my lips on his own.

It was sweet at first and tasted like butterbeer. When Seamus finally came to his senses he pulled me closer and turned the sweet kiss into something deeper. I didn't want it to end, I really didn't, but it had to as we both needed to breath properly. As I pulled away Seamus tried to follow me, not wanting to break away. "Hold on, Seamus I have something to ask you." He drew his face back a bit, still holding me close to him. "Can it wait just a few minutes? I've been wanting to do that for ages and I'd rather not stop now." I pulled him in for one more quick kiss before asking him my question. "Why did you go for a love potion instead of just asking me out?" His lovesick face turned to embarrassment and he couldn't look me in the eye when he answered, it was cute. "I thought that you had a crush on Potter or something, everyone else does. So I thought a love potion was my best bet. But I was proved very very wrong in the best way." He could look me in the eye again once his initial embarrassment wore off, well he could look from my eyes to my lips and back that's for sure. "You're a dolt you know that." He really thought that he had no shot. "Yes but I'm a dolt that you just confessed to being in love with." He was grinning ear to ear and speaking almost as if he still didn't believe it himself. "Oh shut up you dolt." That just made him grin even more. "Why don't you make me?" Cheeky bugger, I knew what he was getting at and I didn't deny him if it. "Maybe I will." With that I kissed him again and he pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss anyway he could. I loved an idiot who tried to use a love potion on me and I wasn't even mad about it. Because here we are, happy in the middle of an empty common room.

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