A note:

'Rise and shine, Betty. I'm where you told me to go. Xoxo, Georgie.'

I snorted. Georgie? Must be his cover name, he probably hadn't used or heard his real first name in years. Well--besides me screaming it repeatedly last night like a chant. Hopefully, the neighbors didn't hear, or maybe they did. The walls were pretty thin.....Poor neighbors. 

Right!!!---Shower. I needed to cool off before I went into the basement. Or I'd end up jumping his bones again. And I would never let him go, even if I had to tie his kinky ass to a chair forever.

Shower, Lex, shower!


"What are you doing?" I asked suspiciously, setting down a large cup of coffee in front of him on the desk.

His eyes didn't move, he mindlessly reached for the coffee cup. Bringing it to his lips and sipped loud slurps. 

"Looks like our friends on the outside installed cameras, which I managed to hack into. I've been sifting through the footage, trying to figure them out." He said monotonously, keeping his eagle eyes on the screen. 

I raised a brow, "I thought hacking was my department. Where on earth did you learn to do that?" Thank God for Claire showing me the ropes of hacking into cameras all those years ago. I wasn't good at it, but I could get it done in a pinch.

He smiled, still staring at the computer. "I learned from the best, babe." He sang and I rolled my eyes at that awful nickname he insisted on calling me. 

"No matter how many times you call me that name, I will not like it, babe" I nearly gagged on the word as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"Have they been back?"

"No white van yet. But a man walking his dog seemed suspicious." He commented, still staring at that damn screen like I didn't exist. 

"White poofy little thing? Man about 6 foot, maybe a sweater vest?" I asked watching the feed. 

Now that got his attention, he finally turned and looked at me with his jaw open slightly. Narrowing his eyes in on me. "No sweater vest, but definitely has a small poofy, useless dog in tow. He's been by 6 times already and it's only 11 am." 

"Yup--that's Mr. I-put-a-tracking-device- on my car. Speaking of, I should probably get rid of that soon." I took a sip of coffee, watching him go back to work. Looking over his shoulder at the different camera views.

"Any ideas yet, Einstein?" 

"Too sophisticated for the mafia, maybe FBI? They seemed pretty invested in our bank heist a few years ago." He shrugged like this whole situation didn't bother him in the least. But it was eating away at me. We didn't know who it was or why they were truly here. 

"Not a bank heist! We only got what we needed. Plus--that teller was stupid." I said in defense.

"Yeah--he couldn't take his eyes off your magical boobies. I really need to learn your art of seduction." He smirked up at me, ever impressed I could seduce a bank teller into giving me 30,000 dollars no questions asked. 

"I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not." I casually sipped my coffee again. 

"Definitely a compliment, Lex." He said through that ole Bastian grin again, eyeing my body like a horny teenager. 

"Black SUV," I nearly choked, leaning into the live stream, eyes frantically scanning the grainy picture for movement. My heart beat through my chest and my palms became so clammy I could have dropped my coffee mug.

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