Chapter 3

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Verity's POV

The soft sound of people moving outside the girl dorm on the carriage woke me from my slumber, leaving me to stumble up with a yawn and rub my eyes. I glided over to stand in front of the floor length mirror, assessing my appearance and adjusting my uniform. A smirk curled over my lips as I nodded, " Damn, I look pretty good.

Harsh knocking at the door broke me from my daze, accompanied by an unfamiliar voice shouting," Come on kid! We are about to land." I rolled my eyes when I heard them call me kid but grabbed my hat and secured it on my head before yanking open the door, to see a senior boy, standing with his arms folded and an eyebrow raised. He rolled his eyes at me and walked away with a huff,swaying his hips. 

Just as I was taking my first step out of the room, the wheel's of the carriage hit , what I assume is the ground roughly and sent me flying into the wall in front of me. Groaning and cupping my nose, I walked to the door that we entered the carriage from and line up with the other students, taking my place behind Fleur, who was laughing at me for falling into the wall.

My eyes drifted over the window, catching a glimpse of a crowd of students all clad in black robes awaiting us, my attention was grabbed away from them though as Madame Maxine took her place behind us and said," Remember students, I want the highest standard of maturity from each of you on this trip." We nodded our heads, almost in exact unison and did a last check of our uniform before the door was swung open, revealing to us a view of a looming castle and a sea of black, with splotches of blue, yellow, red and green.  

Our heels clicked against the steps as we exited the carriage, I saw a few jaw drops at the sight of Fleur and some other seventh years. Once we were all firmly on the ground we separated into two rows, I was on the left side and Fleur was on the right, just beside me. We all straightened out our uniforms and glued charming smiles onto of lips. Madame Maxine left us where we were standing and moved to greet an old man with a long beard, it was longer than my hair! 

Suddenly, gasps arose from the Hogwarts students, and all heads snapped towards the lake as a ship rose from under the water and the Drumstang boys began to make their way off the ship alongside their headmaster, Igor Karkaroff, who also moved forward to greet the old man. They were all adorned in thick woolen coats and heavy boots, along with a staff in one of their hands. Their uniform were quite obviously made to keep out the cold, which was quite a contrast from our thin, silk uniforms. A light blue hat, petticoat and a dress that met my mid-thigh was all that protected us from the cold and now looking at both the Hogwarts and Drumstang students, who all looked quite warm made me realise how cold I actually was.

My small hands reached up from my sides and gripped the opposite arm, hugging myself trying to keep warm as shivers started to crawl up my spine. I looked to the side to see Fleur also hugging herself for warmth. She caught my eye and sent me a smile through chattering teeth, which I returned in the same state. 

The headmasters seemed to have finished their discussion, and as Madame Maxine approached us and Igor Karkaroff moved towards the Drumstang boys, the Hogwarts students flooded back into their school and out of sight. Igor gestured for Madame Maxine to head into the school first which she returned with a polite nod. " Come along, my darlings. We wouldn't want you all to be anymore blue that you already are." I smiled and let my hands drop to my sides as we began to glide gracefully into the unfamiliar school. Nudging Fleur gently with my elbow, quickly brought her attention to my excited grin.  

A rush of heat flooded my bones as I stepped into the somehow warm castle causing me to sigh thankfully and feeling to return to my fingers and toes slowly. We stopped into front of towering oak doors, which muffled the sounds of chattering from inside, what is assume is the hall. Heavy footsteps followed up behind us and also came to a stop. I looked over my shoulder at the Drumstang students, only to meet eyes with a tall, dark haired boy who smirked and sent me a wink. My head whipped back in the direction of the oak doors as my cheeks dusted a light pink colour. A chuckle floated to my ears from behind me making me blush harder.

My attention is grabbed by a warm voice booming," For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime!" The oak doors creak open and I surge forward, along with the seventh years, my feet dancing in unison with them as we entered the hall. We cut between two tables that had Hogwarts students dressed in red and gold on one and Students in bronze and blue on the other. We had just reached the bottom of the two tables when we paused and sighed dreamily, extending our arms out towards the people closest to us. I noticed a few people's eyes wander over my figure each time I paused but it wasn't until we paused and sighed close to the front of the hall, that someone actually caught my eye. 

I sighed and extended my arm out to a group of boys ,all clad in red and gold and  who appeared to be around my age. I made eye contact with a pair of sky blue orbs and when I saw his jaw slightly slackened I sent a cheeky wink his way, fluttering my eyelashes slightly, before once again dancing forward, with the others, making sure to sway my hips slightly more. Hearing a few of his friends teasing him, caused a slight smirk to replace my charming smile. 

As we reached the front on the hall, right in front of the staff table, we parted down the middle, spreading both our arms as we dipped slightly and released beautiful blue butterflies into the air. The row I was in moved to the Table with the red and gold students and seated ourselves at the table, which had a few seats cleared at the end for us. Though of course, I was seated righ against a boy from Hogwarts, as I was the last to take a seat. 

I didn't want to seem rude so I turned to the boy beside me and smiled, offering out my hand and saying in a thick, French accent," Hello, I'm Verity." He turned to my with wide eyes and began to stutter out," I-I'm Neville L-Longbottom." 

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