Dense + Dumb = True Love

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The slamming of the volleyball ricocheting off the ace's palm and onto the wooden floor could probably be heard from the other side of the extensive campus of Fukurodani High School. The one responsible for such racket was none other than the absolute loudest person you have ever known in your life.

The energetic third year fell back onto the balls of his feet, his fists pumped into the air in triumph over overpowering his teammate that attempted to block his killer spike.


The whirlwind of a captain whipped around to look at the second year setter, who was doing his best to humor the over excited man child in front of him.

"I did, it was an amazing spike, Bokuto."

Although Bokuto wasn't actually listening to the poor setter, because he was far too focused on bouncing around to every one of his teammates, his wide eyes seeking praise from anyone who may or may not have witnessed his successful kill. Each member of the Fukurodani volleyball team, players and managers alike, all showered him with the same words of praise they always did, even if only to humor him.

All except you, of course. You weren't paying any attention in the least, too busy with your nose stuck in the latest issue of your favorite series, at least for this week. Even as one of the managers of the volleyball team, you were quite notorious for damaging Bokuto's ego almost daily. It's not like you didn't think he was a good player, you just didn't see the merit in squealing or gushing over everything the captain did, which he found extremely troubling.

And today was no different.

"____! Come on! Weren't you watching me lay down that super awesome spike," Bokuto bound over to you practically falling into your arms. You looked up at him, the usual deadpanned expression written across your face.

"Uh, no. Not really."

The entire team sweatdropped, knowing exactly what was about to happen next.

"Welp, there it is."


"That didn't take long."

"Bokuto's emo mode," they all chimed in unison as a look of despair washed over Bokuto's face as his golden eyes drooped into the look of a kicked puppy.

In immediate response Bokuto fell to his knees in front of you, to which you took a cautious step back only for him to scoot forward closer to you.


His teammates were not about to put up with this again.

"But you're so cool, captain!'

"Yeah, you're the strongest spiker!"

"Your hair makes you look like a horned owl!"

However, despite the shower of compliments from the other volleyball players, nothing seemed to return the sad wing spiker to his usual upbeat attitude.

You blinked down at him and raised your eyebrow in annoyance, "Oh god, not this again, Bokuto. I missed your spike, what's the big deal? Just do another one."

Akaashi strolled up behind Bokuto, looking down at the pitiful captain before him, "You know that won't happen, ____. Once he's like this, there's no getting him back-"

Akaashi's sentence was cut off by a wailing Bokuto on the floor, "WHY DO YOU GOTTA HURT ME LIKE THIS! WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO BE COOL TO YOU!"

You were about to answer with an eye roll, telling him you already thought he was cool, but you didn't have the chance before a pair of muscular arms encased themselves around your legs.

Dense + Dumb = True Love  Bokuto Kotarou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now