Chapter 2 marry me?

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Emilie I have a very important question to ask you you see I've loved you for so long that I want you to marry you mean it your the person that makes me whole marry Emilie will you marry me yes Awsten I'll marry you what should our theme be ? Emo my love you should dye your hair blue so we can match say let's make it a double wedding Otto and Maddie should get marry the same day we do and then we can start a family together my love come on Emilie what do you say ? I say okay my love let's go to that chapel downtown for the 2 for 1 special I'm gonna call Maddie and see what she says Maddie how do I feel about a black and red sparkling dress and Otto how do you feel about being in our wedding party seriously man I'm your only friend that i'm doing friend that you have come on man I'm not I'm not really here to hear it thanks I mean I know you love Emilie but yet maddie belongs to me and only me so if you want to marry her you have to fight before I mean you can't just let this happen I'm not gonna just let you put Maddie away for me like you always you where is the Otto I'm not here to marry Maddie I'm here to marry Emilie so you called for a wedding I got up at 7 AM for this ? Are You kidding me Awsten Friday the 13 . anyway let's just get on with it she'll we do you Awsten Knight take Emilie to be your wife I do Emile do you take Emilie do take Awsten To be your husband I do well I now pronounce you Mr&Mrs knight Awsten you may kiss your bride finally oh my Emilie your beautiful I know I am Awsten but your beautiful too oh you I love you I love you but just then it was all a dream because I woke up to my alarm buzzing .

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