She's Afraid Of Getting Close To Someone Again

Start from the beginning

Mai didn't know how to answer that as Sora walked away from her and Nobunaga. 



I haven't seen Sora since she left the training grounds and it was already starting to get dark but, I knew that she needed some time alone. I was gonna head back to my room until Hideyoshi came over to me.

"Mai, Lord Nobunaga wants to have a word with you."

"Why? "

"I don't know, you better find out for yourself."

I headed to the Tenshu and once I got there, Nobunaga was sitting out on the balcony. I walked over to him.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, sit beside me, Mai."

I sat next to Nobunaga and he then asked me.

"Mai, about earlier today, Sora kept saying that she blames herself for a woman's death, do you know anything about that?"

I didn't want to say anything but, I knew that he heard too much already.

"I do *sighs* Sora told me not to say anything but, you might as well know the reason why she's been acting like this, especially since the anniversary date is coming up."

Nobunaga started to listen to me and I told him everything.

"When Sora first joined the army, she met a woman named Maria. Those two were best friends back then, in fact, they were like sisters. The first time I met Maria, she was like a ray of sunshine that was able to bring a smile to everyone's faces including Sora's."

"Sora smiling? now that, I would pay to see," Nobunaga spoke with a smirk.

"It's the truth! I have never seen Sora smile like a little kid before, I didn't know what she saw in Maria back then but, what I did know, is that she and Sora were best buddies."

I glanced at the setting sky and I continued.

"As I got to know Maria, I could see why she and Sora got along so well, Maria didn't have parents and Sora felt sympathy for her. In a way, I think Sora wanted to be there for her just like how she looked out for me when we were growing up."

"So she can be friendly and protective of you two."

"*Giggle* yeah, those were the good times as well before..."

I lowered my head and then Nobunaga asked me.

"Before what?"

"...Before Maria and Sora were sent to a different country to stop terrorists."

Nobunaga looked at me surprised and I continued.

"A year ago, there were stories about terrorist attacks in a different country and that was when Maria and Sora got called out on duty. Sora promised me that she and Maria were gonna be all right, so, I said my goodbyes to them...but then, a few weeks later...someone contacted me to tell me that Sora was in emergency care. Turns out the camp where Sora and Maria were stationed got ambushed and the two of them got captured and they were interrogated."

I still remembered how badly Sora was hurt when I saw her lying in the hospital bed.

"I didn't know what they did to her but, it was brutal..."

I wiped away my tears that spilt out of my eyes.

"When I visited Sora, she had cracked ribs, a black eye and her leg got shot, she was lucky enough to be alive but, as for Maria....she was killed in battle."

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