The day dawned with heavy rain and the soil filled with mud. Then I saw "Hazel Eyes" walk up the hill. She walked and approached me slowly. She looked at me for a moment and then bent down, and put her hands in the mud, joined them, filled them with mud and brought them to my face. She looked at me again and began to put the mud on my structure. She performed the same operation time and time again to form a figure, a human-shaped figure. After completing the sculpture, shepaused to look at me and left immediately. The sun came through the clouds and hardenedthe mud.

Days later I saw her walk up the hillagain. She was already an old woman and came accompanied by several younger members of the same species. They came closer towards me and "Hazel Eyes" pointed at me with her hand while emitting different sounds with her mouth - all members of the tribe looked at me. "Hazel Eyes" made a soft gesture to the member who, holding her with a clawed arm helped her maintain her balance. He let go of her and she staggered. She approached me bearing flowers in her hands and placed some of them right next to me. Then, she gently lowered her head and all members of her clan did the same. After this, she looked at me and began to say a few words. I didn't understand her language but I knew exactly what she meant.I knew her life was coming to an end and she was thanking me for having made it possible for her to see so many wonders throughout her life. She thanked me for the gift of life and introduced me to her descendants so that I could take care of them when she was gone.

I felt uneasy knowing there was nothing I could do to help - at least, I would have liked to be able to communicate with her, tell her I enjoyed her company, that I had spent endless joyful moments watching her, but I could not communicate with her. That was the last time I saw "Hazel Eyes"and I still often dream of her.

The Creation of the Universe

IN THE BEGINNING there was nothing. Let us not assume that Nothing equals zero, because zero is a balance between positive and negative and Nothing has no balance. Nothing can be defined as the absence of things and also as the amount of negative numbers that there can be in a sum. If we have 5 coins, this is Nothing, but it's a quantifiable Nothing, so it's Something. In the universe, Nothing can be antimatter, it can be the space where the light of the stars does not reach but whatever shape or form we want to imagine it, it will never be zero. Zero does not exist in nature, zero does not exist in the universe, zero exists only in our mind.

In the beginning there was nothing, only darkness, a darkness that spread everywhere and, as it expanded it picked up speed and movement, and it created time. With this movement Nothingness began to spin, spinning ever so fast on itself. Upon reaching a certain speed, it created energy and when it reached even more speed, energy created matter. Spinning to suchvertiginous speed, a single particle formed a gravitational force around itself, and ended up weighing as much as the entire universe. Finally it collapsed, breaking down into such small pieces which,when shot out produced an enormous amount of energy. The small atomic fragments ejected at a speed that neared that of the light, enlarged their mass and volume.

Nothing gave way to time, time to movement, movement to energy and energy created matter. The entire universe was created from a small portion of matter, - so small that it was imperceptible -, when the matter was fragmented by a centrifugal force, hurling it into space in infinite portionsthat acquired a greater mass because of the high speed at which they were shot out.

An Instant after the Big Bang

WHILE from our perspective it feels as though a long time has passed since the Big Bang, we truly live just a moment after it and we could even go as far as saying that we exist because of this. Energy, when moving at speeds close to the speed of light, was transformed into matter and our entire universe was created from a small particle, a single subatomic particle that burst firing its fragments in all directions at such a speed that formed the whole universe, an explosion not unlike that of a rocket in a fireworks performance. It is in that very brief instant when the light illuminates the skythat we currently live in.

The whole universe, all the matter we perceive,exists because itis powered by speed. Just as the lights of the rocket are to vanishso will the matter that forms the universe when it completely loses its speed.

We keep on moving at nearly the speed of light. If we were to move any faster, we would disappear.

It is possible that the universe will never contract, that it will never apply a brake and engage its reverse gear, thus making a Big Crak very unlikely. One of the possibilities is that the entire universe will fall,forming a parabola just like a stone thrown into the horizon that bends into a spherical shape with all matter coming together again after falling on the same point on the other side of the sphere. On the other hand, the galaxies could lose their speed gradually and, unless the particles that make up matter increased their rate of vibration while slowing the expansion rate of the universe, the entire universe would disappear just as the glare of the rocket disappears in the darkness of the night.

It doesn't really matter what mass a star might have or how much energy a galaxy might build up – as soon as it begins losing speed, there will be no space-time left for it to exist.

The end of time might occur violently. The universe expands in a similar fashion to a balloon being inflated. Thespeedof expansion along with the speed of vibration of the universe itself have created matter.

If the universe applied its brakes, if its movement was to slow down, matter could cease to exist violently and suddenly. The entire universe would disappear in an instant, just like a balloon that we continue to inflate would end up bursting. Although, in that case the result would not be an explosion, but a disappearance, an immediate vanishing of matter and space-time.

Furthermore, we might feel more comfortable thinking that if the universe lostits speed after it stopped expanding, it would be able to recover it when it began contracting - it would be a soft reversal back to the starting point.

We may think that the universe is like a living being and can die suddenly at any time after collapsing, or that after growing and growing, it will shrink to be a particle.


THE CHAIN of ​​hominid descendants keeps on growing as it goes farther back in time. Possibly the first hominids had an advantage no other species earlier had ever possessed–being able to walk on two legs, to ramble through the tall grass to go from one tree to another. They could also see better than other species and were able to look out for predators lurking nearby. Walking on two legs furnished them with even greater benefits, since now their upper extremities were free to obtain food more easily from the most inaccessible places. At one point, stones and sticks were used as tools to crush seeds and extract termites from their nests. With these new skills their diet changed, from eating only fruits to a greater variety of foods. Subsequently, they acquired the skill to manufacture and throw sharp objects that could be effectively used to hunt. An improved diet helped the brain develop even further and, as a result, languageevolved, and even art, with their painting of the walls of the caves they used as homes. Since then until the present, only a very brief period has elapsedwhen compared to the time when we came down from the trees for the first time until we were able to control fire.

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