Chapter 3 Crash Landing

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Danny's POV ~ In The Ghost Zone ~

We have been in the Ghost Zone for an hour. Nothing has happened. I am scared. I am usually attacked within the first 30 minutes.

"Nothing will happen, Danny," Dash keeps trying to comfort me.

"Yeah, it's not like we will get shot down." At that moment a missile hit the bus.

"Tucker!" we all yell.

"Sorry." I run to the front of the SSB and push my parents to the back. I get in the seat and try to crash land this thing. I am able to maneuver it to a close by island. Then everything goes black.

Sam's POV ~ After The Crash ~

I wake up to a loud scream. Probably Paulina. I look around, and I was right, Paulina was screaming about her hair. We must have been ejected by the bus. Everyone had chairs and parachutes around them. Mr Lancer is doing attendance to see if everyone was alright. Everyone responded until he got to Danny's name.

"Daniel?" He called out again, "Does anyone see Daniel?"

"AHHHHHH!" Paulina screamed again. I turned around expecting her to be crying about her hair, but boy was I wrong. She staring at a bloody and mangled up body. It took me a second to realize it was Danny.

I ran over to him and it was horrible. His once beautiful long hair was out of it's ponytail, dirty with blood and ash. His shirt was burned off, showing everyone his muscles and scars, but that wasn't the worst of it. His entire left arm was burned to a crisp. His skin was peeling off and you could practically see his muscles and bones. He must not have been in a seat. It was horrible. I was so scared, but I quickly got into action.

I ripped off a piece of my torn jacket and wrapped it tightly around his upper arm. I grab my knife and ask Dash for a lighter.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SON!!???" Maddie yelled at me.

"I am cutting it off so that it doesn't get infected. He could die if we leave it the way it is. At least I am not doing it when he is awake!" I yell back.

"But You don't know what you are doing! You are only in highschool!"

"I may be in highschool, but I am better than any doctor out there. The only person better than me at this is Danny, and he is not awake to do it. So be quiet and let me do my job as your son's personal nurse!" She shuts up after that and lets me do my job. I pick up the lighter and heat the blade up. Them I start to cut under the wrapped cloth. A few students look away, and the others, including Mr lancer, puked. There wasn't a lot of blood because of the heat. After a few minutes, I am finally done.

"I've got the first aid kit!" Valerie yells as she hands it to me. Jazz lifts the stump as I wrap it up in gauze.

"Damn that hurt," a voice said. I gasped as I look down. Danny was laying there, wide awake, smirking.

"You're awake!" I yell, then punch his uninjured arm, "Don't you ever do that again!"

"Okay! Okay! Ow! I just woke up!"

"No he didn't. He was awake the entire time," Dash said. I gasp and hit Danny again.


"STOP HURTING MY SON!" Maddie yelled again and I could feel Danny tense.

"I am aloud to do whatever I want to him!" I yell back.

"Except kill me. Not even I can do that without half-assing the job," Danny joked, I hit him again. The class looks at us curiously.

Danny's POV

"So, Where to Maddie?" I asked.

"I . . . Don't actually know. We have never been to the Ghost Zone before," She replied with a sheepish looking, ignoring the fact that I called her by her name.











a/n and Cliffhanger. I usually hate these, but everyone is a hypocrite about something and other author-senpais are right, it is really fun! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *cough* *cough* worth it *cough*. Anyway, what will happen to team Phantom and the rest of the class, read more to find out! I like the video and the picture. I think the picture is a good one for this chapter.

~Lilith out

P.S. Lilith is not my actual name, I just like it, so don't think I am stupid for using my real name 'cause I'm not!

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