My Seasons of Love

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Like I said my life is pretty normal... but its also very, what people would say, "adventurous". some are for the better and some are for the worse, but mostly the worse...welcome to my life.

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Part 1: Summer

The text

Yeah summer was great, i sailed in the day and then hung out with friends after that. It would be a pretty good day. Than nights came along, that was a totally different life.

I wouldn't call myself the "socializer" but i do get around. I find myself talking to my ex boyfriend... we never talk, at least not in public. Its 2 in the morning now. Im laying outside on my lawn. The smell of grass and mildew is filling the air as i lay in pitch blackness where the stars and the full moon are my only light (besides my cellphone light). My phone vibrates in my pocket, it says "come meet me by the school". I thought about it and the consequences. I figure what the hell, so i go.

Im running, my street doesnt have any street lights and my phone is in my pocket, its dark. My converse are now leading me to the choice i made, my choice to back to him. I push through the blazing heat as i reach the school. It looks so different at night. So empty, so lost, so out of place; just like me. My phone buzzes again, "Where are you", it says, i reply, " Im here". I see a shadow linger beneath the trees in the courtyard. Then i see him. His hood is up, he walks so graceful and timed. I walk over to him, i trip but i dont fall.

"Why did you ask me here?"

"We needed to talk"

"We couldnt have done this during the day?"


Im suddenly scared. why did we have to meet at night? why is he not as sweet as i rememeber. All my questions were soon to be asked.

"follow me"

I follow him as he leads me to the soccer field, as he leads me to my destiny.

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As we arrive at the soccer field my heart is beating faster and faster. He puts his arm around my waist knowing that ill trip and fall.

"do you really want to knwo why i brought you out here?"

"well lets see, you texted me at 2 AM to c-"

He cuts me off with a kiss. The lips I havent felt for so long, the lips i have been missing are finally brushing up against mine. He backs away

"That is why"

We lay down in the grass. He brings me into his arms. We start talking about how our summers are going and how are families are doing. Funny thing his parents hate me and mine hate him. We used to do this every other week when we would date but it stopped when we went our different paths.

Another kiss.

But this time the kiss doesnt end. His kiss brings me back to when we used to date. the good times the bad, the pranks we'd pull and the trouble we would get in, but at least we were together. i remembered how we met, we were in 5th grade and were playing a game on the playground called girls chase boys or boys chase girls. Him and I were going after a ball that had been kicked by another kid and when we go there he picked it up and said 'do you know what we are supposed to do with this?" i nodded my head and he gave it to me than ran away. Something about that made e start to like him. The whole word got around school saying that i had a crush on him and son enough we started "dating". Our relationship has been going on and off ever since.

Now here we are, wrapped up in each others arms not caring about anything else in the world than whats going to happen between us tonight. He leans away from our kiss.

"i love you"

I dont know how to respond. Is this love? or is it him just trying to be sweet and romantic for the moment. He moves his hand along his along my cheek feeling the warmth of my blush.

He is waiting for a response. But i just lye there silent.

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