Day 2

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Max had slept the whole day. It was now 12 am. He figured david was asleep and daniel was....hopefully asleep. He was starving. And very thirsty. He creeped out of his room and peeked around the corner to see hid the living room was empty. To his horror it wasn't. Daniel was watching something werid in tv.

Max needed to pass thro the living room to get to the kitchen for some food so he knew he couldn't go there. He needed to find some other way. He look around his room for anything he might have hidden. And lucky for him. Under one of the floor boards he found he had hidden this candy from Halloween. He had forgotten about it. He knew david didn't like him eating sweets before bed so he hid them so he could snack during the night.

He quickly shoved a snickers into his mouth. But he was still thirsty. He looked around his room but found nothing. He desided that David night have a cup of water by his bed. So he snuck in.

But the door creaked. And he freaked out. He quickly ran inside and hid in the closet. He heard foot steps. Daniel walked in the room and looked around. He saw David asleep and the door open. Luckily. Daniel was kinda a idiot.

"The door is broken." He heard his whisper. He walked out of the room and soon max heard the tv turn back on.

Max crawled out of closet carefully and stood up. He saw a glass of water by David's bed. 2 actually. One had a piece of paper on it that said "wake max up" it took max a second before he realized it was water to throw on him if he wasn't waking up. David has only did that a few times. He didn't notice that he had it by his bed. He picked up the cup and drank it all. The other glass was empty. But he won't have drank it anyways. It was stained purple in the inside of it.

Max tip toed out of the room. Daniel has not closed the door so it was pretty easy. Then opened his door and closed it behind him. Then quickly slid under the bed and hid under all the blankets and pillows he had been sleeping in. He grabbed David's phone witch was now his at this point. David has gotten a new phone a long time ago. And fucked around with it until david came to wake him.

"Goooooood morning max!" David said cheerfully. Max rolled his eyes.

"I'm already up you idiot." He said peeking out from under the bed.

David was happy that max was up. "Great! You slept most of the day sleeping yesterday but don't worry! Today we will do much more! I was thinking maybe we should go camping!"

Max hated camping. Mostly because it was stupid and because david wanted to go camping every weekend.

"Hell no!" Max said with annoyance. David looked sad. "What if we just stay home today. Every thought about that!" Max said sliding under the bed again.

David sighed. "Fine. But you need to eat breakfast."

Max looked at david. "Did Daniel make it?" David looked at max. He looked like he was thinking very hard about what to says

"No." He said. "It's bread with butter on it."

Max tried to think about what Daniel has made yesterday. He had made pancakes.

"It's not pancakes is it?!" Max said loudly.

David looked taken aback. "No it's not and please don't yell you might scare away the birds outside."

Max thought that was stupid. "Did you put the butter in the bread?!" Max said not making any changes on his volume.

"Um yeah? Why does it matter?" David said grabbing max and pulling him out from under the bed.

Max stood up and swatted david away. "Fine I will eat it." He walked out to the kitchen. Daniel wasn't in there luckily. He wasn't in the living room. "Where the fuck is Daniel?" He asked David.

David sat down on the couch. "He is just hanging out with his friends." David Said.

Max figured that Daniel had lied to David. But if Daniel was out of house, He didn't mind.

Max ate his bread. Knowing that that it was just normal butter and normal bread eased his mind. He got some water.

After a while the front door opened. "Welcome home dear!" David said getting up to hug Daniel. Max stared at Daniel. He tried to look confident. He knew Daniel most likely was not going to just stab him. Not in front of David.

Daniel's eyes became slits as he looked at max. Max got up and walked to his room. Before he could get there he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

"Maaaaax I got you something." Max's heart dropped. That wasn't David's voice.

Max turned around quickly looking terrified. Daniel handed him white hoodie. "I heard you like hoodies! I think you would look much better in a white one."

David smiled. "How nice!" He said innocently.

Max looked at the hoodie. Then at Daniel. With still a terrified expression. He ran to his room and slammed the door closed. He threw the hoodie on the floor and quickly crawled under the bed. He heard the door open.

"Max? Are you alright?" It was David.

Max didn't say anything. He just sat under the bed. David looked under the bed. "Max what's wrong?"

Max turned away from him. He couldn't tell him. He wouldn't believe him. "Go away." He said saltily.

David sighed and got up. He closed the door on the way out. Max desided to mess around with David's old phone.

After a while max was hungry. He got yo to go make himself some food to find that David and Daniel were already eating lunch.

"Max! Glad your done taking a nap! We were just eating lunch!" David said happily. Max looked at Daniel. The hoodie was clearly a hint that he was going to build a purification. Or already had. Maybe that was what he was doing when he was "hanging out with friends."

Max sat down. "How made dinner." He said very seriously. Not taking his eyes off Daniel.

"Daniel did! But it's just pb and j." David said taking a large bite of the sandwich.

Max then realized Daniel looking as he took a bite David took a bite of the sandwich he smiled very widely. "Fucking-DONT EAT THAT!" He yelled at david standing up.

David looked at max with surprise. "Max that's not nice. Just because Daniel add it." David said disapointed.

Max was not having that. He put his hands on David's neck. As if he was trying to force him to spit it out. "THROW UP! THROW UP! THROW UP RIGHT NOW!" Max yelled.

David pushed max away. "Max why? It's fine! Just because you don't like pb and j doesn't mean it's bad to eat!" He said.

Max looked at david. "Throw the fuck up david." He said his voice shaking with anger. "Or you are going to the fucking emergency room." Max said quietly.

"Why would I go to the emergency room. It's just a pb and j." David chuckled a little "that's crazy!"

Max felt tears rolling down his face. But he was angry. Very angry. "Fine!" He said and turned away and went to his room. Where he didn't come out until he was sure everyone was sleep.

He did what he did the night before and ate candy the entire day. But now he wanted some other food. He got a bagel and some water. Just because it was quick and he knew Daniel didn't touch it. He brought it to his room. After eating he went under his bed and curled into a ball and feel asleep.

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