Chapter 6: More Brutality

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At the arena.

Velveteen Dream was fighting against Jordan Myles in a none title match. Dream did his usual Dream Valley Driver which dazed Jordan, Dream then went to the turnbuckle and wanted to do Purple Rainmaker, but he was hit by a Kendo Stick from Chris Johnson dressed in casual clothing, the referee saw it and called it for a disqualification but Chris didn't even care and started destroying him even more, it took 10 officials to separate him from a now heavily bruised Dream, Chris got out and took a microphone.

Chris: I told you Dream, you'll suffer and what I mean is this: I talked wwith the GM adding stipulations to our match, and I added things that will turn this match into Hell.. A 2 out of 3 no DQ match!

The crowd cheered.

Chris: You see, even these people wanna see you crumble, sink into the sand, watch it all come down as I become your new champion along with my brethren.

He threw his mic and left the arena.

At backstage.

Chris was walking backstage but he was stopped by Johnny Gargano

Johnny: Hey dude, nice confrontation there, you gave Dream Hell.

Chris: Don't worry, he'll get more than Hell, I'll show him.

Johnny: Well I'm rooting for you to win.

Chris: And why is that?

Johnny: He held that dumb title for long time and it's me for some change.

Chris: I know.

Johnny: Well gotta go man, see you on Saturday.

Chris: Alright, bye.

He left and Chris felt someone hug him and it was Aliyah.

Aliyah: Nice work nailing Dream.

Chris: Thanks, I appreciate it hottie.

Aliyah: Well, it's time for me to have a promo with Vanessa.

Chris: Knowing NXT, it will succeed far more than the main roster and your match might me the second on on the card.

Aliyah: While yours is the third one.

Chris: I will enjoy watching him suffer.

Aliyah: Hope you do.

She then kissed him.

Aliyah: Gotta go, see you later.

Chris: Alright, I'll be with UE.

At the arena.

Vanessa was on the ring with a microphone.

Vanessa: You all were thinking what I did to Aliyah? Well let's just say I don't need her anymore.

The crowd boos.

Vanessa: Aliyah, you we're deadweight to me and forming the Highers was a huge mistake, and from now on I consider you as a lower.

It took time for Aliyah to come out too.

Aliyah: Vanessa... You are calling me a lower, well look around and the crowd will decide. Am I a lower or is she a lower.

The crowd chants "Vanessa is the lower!" over and over while clapping.

Aliyah: You see, all these people are supporting me, while you are being disliked after you tear us apart.

Vanessa: You can say what you want but at Takeover Orlando I will come out as the victor.

The crowd boos.

Aliyah: Well if you say so then we'll find out in a few days, because I'll drop to the ground harder than that Samoan Drop you gave me last 2 weeks.

She dropped her microphone and leaves the arena while the crowd cheers.

At backstage.

Adam: Man, that was savage from your girl.

Chris: Yeah, agreed.

Roderick: We might be enemies on the ring, but outside we are the best of friends.

Chris: True, I would her leave you guys.

Roderick: Oh and one more thing, William told me during your match with Dream I will invade it on the battle for the third count and I will try to help him win.

Chris: You can try, but trust me I'll kick that b**ch's ass.

Kyle: While your dealing with hippie boy.

Bobby: We'll be dealing with your crew.

Chris: Guys just trust me, you won't hold those titles forever because you are off to the main roster and me and others will do anything in our power to take those titles.

Adam: You got a point there.

All laugh at Adam's remark.

Aliyah then walks in the catering with Vanessa.

Chris: Excuse me boys but I gotta go.The guys know what he meant.

Adam: Okay, take your time man.

Chris then left the guys and went towards the girls.

Chris: Nice promo skills hottie.

Aliyah: Thanks.

Chris: And your not bad yourself Vanessa.

Vanessa: Why thank you.

Aliyah: Hey what do you say we head home and hangout?

Chris: Sure, we all done our work so let's go.

OK guys, this is chapter 6, later I'm updating chapter 7, this will get more intense, and knowing MartinGraf98 he's gonna like the next chapter.

Peace out

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