Chapter 7 - There he goes

Start from the beginning

"But you will not be the same when you're in a different body. Time goes slower when you're a lost soul," I take him in my hands, surprised that he lets me. He usually doesn't let me hold him, only momma scratches at my windows.

"The woman you fancy, shes your lovely wife," He nods bunny head like it's old news. I wring out my hands nervously.

"-But it's been 76 years since you've been with me, darling,"

Bugsy isn't talking anymore, he doesn't even move. He just sits there, in my arms.

"So if you leave the loop," My hands tremble, as I grab onto him a little tighter. He's still not speaking to me, so it feels like I'm talking to myself.

"You won't find her," I tell him in a small voice.

"Take me out, Frey." He's serious, he's never said my name before. I was beginning to think that he'd never even learned it.

But if I take him out-

"You might get lost," I answer him, holding him closer. I just couldn't lose him. I know it's selfish but he's been my only real friend. Everyone else just put's up with me.

"I know, toots." He hops around and turns to face me. He has to tilt his little head up in order to get a good look.

I could keep his soul forever. Pretend I can't hear him and continue talking as if this whole conversation didn't happen. I would go for tea with miss and then I'd come back and play with him again, and we'd talk about anything and everything like we always do.


But I can't do that.

I get up and place him on my wooden desk, one of his favorite places to hang about while he talks about anything and everything, and I hold a hand to his stuffed chest and watch is it begins to glow.

I try hard to keep everything in, but clear pearls begin to leak out of my eyes as I stare at his tilted head.

Because he's my friend, and his happiness matters as much as mine.

His soul begins to push out, a faint outline of a human frame begins to form. I try to remember everything that we've done together, all the times he made me laugh and cry.

He'll probably forget about me

And as I look at him, in all his human self, as he gives me a warm smile as if he was a father sending his child off to school. I can't help but miss him already.

"Thank you for being my friend, Bugsy."

"I'll always be your friend, toots."

And there he goes.


"Frey, darling. It's time for tea," Miss Peregrine walks in my room with a pipe in her hand and a soft look on her face.

The curtains are still open so I'm able to watch as the sun kisses the horizon before getting up for tea.

"And does Mr. Rossi care for tea as well?" She asks as she looks to the bunny in my arms.

I look down at the still bunny, it's ears don't flop and the head doesn't move like it used to.

"No, Miss. He's been feeling a little sick," I smile at her in response, playing with the ears.

She nods in understanding, before walking out. Her heels clack against the old wooden floors.

"I guess It's just me then," I sigh to myself, placing the stuffed bunny gently down on my pillows and smoothing out my dress.

"I can be your friend,"

Who's that? I've never heard that voice before.

I spin around with narrowed eyes, looking everywhere for the intruder. There's no one in the my room, except for the decomposing body of the boy in the corner.


"Over here, sweetheart," A voice whispers in my ear.

Hello! I'm back again. Don't worry guys, Enoch is coming your way very soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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