exams - aru akise x reader 1

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note: i'm not sure what school they're attending so i'll just make up er- use a name i got from google. Hokkaido High School and Hokkaido Middle School.

Setting: 3rd World, 2nd Year Highschool

Your P.O.V.

You eyes are failing you. How dare they fail you?? Why did you have to sleep at such a late time last night.. you didn't even finish the whole season.

'I can't take it anymore, my eyes are literally closing and I can't feel my conciousness.. maybe.. maybe a.. small... nap.. won't.. won't....' You told yourself, falling asleep in the process.

Your chemistry teacher noticed this and took no time in gaining your attention back to what he was discussing.


"Wah!" You gasped, 'that was a really loud ahem what the heck?'

"Ms. [Last Name]? Would you mind sharing what's occupying your mind?" Your teacher's voiced boomed throughout the classroom, making you startled from the mention of your name and causing everyone to look at you.

You yawned while rubbing your eyes, you tried regaining your composture before answering your teacher's question.

"Uhh nothing sir, I-I.. just didn't have enough sleep last night..! Yeah.."

Your teacher raised an eyebrow and just shrugged it off. "Alright then please just endure a few more minutes classes will be over soon, also pay really attention to this one since what I'm discussing here will be included in your exams. Which is tomorrow."

'Oh yeah shoot, I forget we'll be taking our exams first and then we go on a field trip.' You gave him a smile with a thumbs up and he just nodded. He turned around and started writing something. You sighed and silently slammed your head on top of your desk. 'I hate my life'

It wasn't until then you heard a quiet chuckle. Your head perked up and turned to your right seatmate. Akise Aru.

"Hmm, I wonder what kept you up late last night [ Last Name ]-chan."

"Ehh?! What do you mean! I-I'm not doing stuff like that! Heck, I don't even have a boyfriend!" You whispered to him, not wanting to cause another disruption in the class.

Satisfied with your reaction he grinned, "Huh? What are you talking about [ Last Name ]-chan? I was simply asking what we're you doing last night? Perhaphs, studying?" Akise asked innocently.

You cursed yourself for thinking such thing. Your cheeks turned slightly red and you turned away from him. "O-of course.."

"Good. I hope you did, I don't want you failing you know?" He said and his attention went back to the teacher.

'Huh, weird. Why is he concerned about my grades. We're not even that close.. I guess. He's just been my seatmate since like.. middle school no big deal. Yeah he adds 'chan' to my last name but I don't really mind when he started calling me that and we often do talk when we're in class and he sometimes gives you food too.. oh and also sometimes help me with my homework and sometimes-' Your ramblings were interrupted by the bell ringing.

"Okay, class is over. Go home immediately. Goodbye and goodluck to all of you."

Your chemistry teacher said, while walking out of the class.'Wha- how did time flew that fast? Well atleast that's over'

You heard the door shut and groaned really loud.

"[ Last name ]-chan." You heard Akise call out. You turned to him and blinked in confusion.

"What is it?"

"Come to my house."

That sentence alone made all of your blood rise up. You slapped both of your cheeks to stop yourself from thinking about dirty stuff. You heared him laugh. You look at him, it wasn't everyday you get to hear his laugh, a genuine one to be exact.
'Ah, his laugh is kinda cute..'

He stopped laughing and grinned at you. "You're so fun to tease [ Last Name ]-chan."

"H-hey! It's not funny! You jerk!" You exclaimed and playfully shoved him while your face was still burning up.

"Hey you two! Classes are over! You guys have exams tomorrow! Do you have any plans on leaving?" One of the teacher who happened to walk by your class and noticed you two. The teacher left and you looked around.

"H-huh? How come I didn't notice everyone leaving?" You said and looked at Akise.

"Beats me" He shrugged while you gave him an annoyed looked.

"Ugh whatever" You started packing your your things as he did the same.

"Hey you're still coming right?" He reminded you.

Your eyes are still on your backpack, about to zip it up. "Huh? Why? You're serious? I thought you were just messing with me?" You replied while slightly blushing, still not looking at him.

"Well, I figured you'd need some help with your studies. Plus we're dismissed quite early today so we have a lot of time." He answered. You exhaled and faced him. You put your hands on your chin and pretended to think.

"Hmmm I'm not sure.. my dad will freak out if I ask him if I can come to a guys house-"

"Then tell him you're going to [ random girl's name ] house instead. Besides it's not that we're going to do anything perverted, well unless you want to-"

"Okay! Okay! Fine, fine! Jeez calm down.." You took your phone out from your skirt pockect but quickly placed it back in.

"I'll do it outside the gates, I reaaaally don't want anyone, especially the teachers, assuming we're doing something weird." You told him and wore your backpack.

"I don't mind-" He got cut off by you punching his stomach.

"That's uncalled for."

"You're uncalled for!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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