Chapter 2

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Eric's POV

Eric: Ok let me get this straight. You attacked me solely for self defense due to the humans back at the empire attacking you for no reason?

Lisiana: Yes.

Eric: And because of that you guys are short of manpower from the last war thanks to your current king?

Lisiana: Yes.

Eric: And right now I'm in a awkward situation?


Yes, you've heard it. I am currently in an awkward situation. Hey camera!! Move your ass further so you can see what's the awkward situation. That's better. The scene shows that I had the leader in a bondage. And that wasn't the weird part but the way I tied her up was really weird. Not that I was complaining since her butt was sticking out in the most sexiest way ever.

Lisiana: Hey!! Stop looking at my butt human!! Only the one worthy enough to be my husband can gaze upon my body!!

Holy shit!! I see female Gilgamesh, though it suppose to be a dude at first but as long you don't think gay it ain't gay. Did I ever mention that I have a thing for prideful bad girls? Cause holy dame I just hit the jackpot!! Ahem back to the story. Once I was calmed down from my daydreaming, I continued to interrogate my temporary hostage however the process was slow.

Lisiana: Would you quit that human!!!

Eric: What ever do you mean?

Lisiana: If you want to kill me then kill me!! I cannot take more of this shame.

Eric: Shame? What shame?

She blushed redder than a tomato. She hesitated to say but as I continued with my 'interrogation' she finally broke.

Lisiana: Quit looking at my ass you hairless ape!!

Eric: Hairless?

I pulled opened my pants to clarify something. And it seems that I do have hair on me. I did this in front of her to prove that I had hair causing her to blush and get frustrated.

Lisiana: I can't believe you human!! You savage!! You showed me something that only a married couple is suppose to see!!

Eric: Ok can you please stop-

I felt two presence behind me, so I spun and did a tornado kick but not any kick. The kick from a true hero, a kick from a boy that smiles like a devil, a kick to spin fast enough to make me look like cool ass motherfucker.

Eric: Shinra style breakdance super cool spinning kick!!!

I started to breakdance spin kick them while I made sure that my hands and weight helped me increased my speed. Wait a minute, I FORGOT ABOUT ADDING FIRE TO MY LEGS!! But it was already too late, I kicked them straight on the face to send them flying to the walls opposite to each other.

Eric: Hmph.

But then, I felt something dong me on the head. I reached up to the back of my head and felt something liquidish. When I pulled my hand back and saw that it was blood. I just gave a 'heh' expression. I turn to Lisiana and saw that she used a frying pan. Yep something that I never thought a demon or any kind of demon would use. A freakin frying pan. Wait where did she even get a frying pan from?

Eric: Really? A frying pan? Sweetheart this ain't Tangled or pubg where you have high armor or where you nuke the fuck out of players with a swing of a pan.

Not to mention she got out of her restraint faster than I expected.

Lisiana: What are you even saying weirdo!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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