Let Her Go (Renji Abarai)

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Ok so it's 12:55am right now and I'm addicted to this song. It's just perfect. And a very good friend of mine requested a one-shot where "Renji is depressed because he doesn't get the girl" and asked for this song.

So here you go!!

I hope you like it. Requests are still open!

Song: Let Her Go by Passenger (I couldn't find a working link to the actual song, so I put a cover by Birdy. I love her and she sings this so beautifully, so it was a satisfactory substitution.)


Staring at the bottom of the glass
Hoping one day you'll make your dream last
But dreams come slow
And you go so fast
You see her when you close your eyes
Maybe one day you'll understand why
Everything you touch
Surely dies

Renji once again stared at the now empty glass below him, his eyesight dizzied so that he saw four different bottoms. He shook his head, though, and poured another glass, filling it to the brim... Or at least tried to.

As the sake kept on spilling out of the bottle, Renji dosed off at the relaxing sound of liquid falling. It wasn't until the sake overflew the capacity of the bottle and wetted his fingers that his consciousness swam back into his mind and awoke his body with a jolt.

Renji snarled at the wasted sake that was now slipping from the edge of the table and onto the carpeted floor of his apartment in small droplets. He simply overlooked the spilt sake and gripped his glass, bringing it to his mouth and chugged its contents before slamming it back again on the table as his constant routine. He didn't even know why he used a glass; it was pointless, really. However, it was nice to grip something when his thoughts became too painful.

After a while, the burning and clouding sensation of the sake stopped its wondrous magic of forgetting on the lieutenant. Now, it seemed that Renji couldn't even get drunk to get rid of his heartache. His dream.

And a woman with black hair, emerald eyes, fair complexion, and the most perfect body Renji had ever seen was the form of that dream.

Renji filled his glass again and swallowed another round of sake down his throat. He knew he was doomed from the moment he laid his eyes on her in the mission to the World of the Living he took a while back, but he couldn't help himself. His eyes had never seen a person so statuesque before.

He closed his eyes, the image of her filling his mind.

Her hair that was as dark as night contrasted so wonderfully on her pale skin. She would've looked sickly if it weren't for her vibrant green eyes that were the same shade of emeralds. They held a much deeper meaning inside them that it completely captivated the redhead shinigami in a trance. Her full, red lips were something he dreamed of sinking his teeth into, tasting what they had to offer. They were such a full, soft pair that if they were to be compared to rose petals, the roses would be severely lacking. Her voluptuous, pair-shaped body could stop a truck. Her hips were fully rounded which lead to a flat stomach and small waist. Her breasts, although small, were just perfect for him. Although he admired Matsumoto's cup size, he couldn't help but adore the smaller size the curvaceous 16 year old held.

Renji sighed and picked up the bottle of sake instead, put it up to his chapped lips, and filled his mouth full until harshly swallowing the burning liquid, leaving a trail of fire in the wake of his throat.

It was his fault. Renji knew it. He knew just how fast her world was compared to his. It was too much of a distance for him to fight, and now, he was left wondering why everything that is perfect has to die once he realizes it.

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