I'll do that for fun anyway

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"What!" The look on mom's face was priceless as she jumped back onto the couch, followed by Emily, Kim and once again Embry. But I'm not one to judge, I was practically peeing myself just thinking about that thing loose in the house.

What if it crawls in my mouth while I'm sleeping? Aww hell no! There is no way I'm staying in this house with that thing. Staying with Alexis was torture enough now I have to stay with an abnormally phsyco killer crazy spider too.

Over my dead body. Okay that was a poor choice of words since that might actually happen. No, I am not staying in this house. I'll go sleep on the streets if I have too. I mean Alexis once shared a sandwich with a homeless guy once, hell she even licked a hobo's foot on a dare once, so I could at least survive a few nights staying with one until that thing she calls a spider is caught, or even better, dead.

"Why did you call it Peter?" Okay probably not the right question to ask right now, but I'm curious and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, right?

Alexis rolled her eyes like it was obvious and plopped down on the couch next to Paul. He put his arm around her, looking expectantly at her to answer the question. "Well, Spiderman. Peter Parker. Ring any bells?"

"Seriously? That's the best you can do?" Jared asked laughing.

"Hey, I'm the one who stol....bought him, so I get to name it."

"Maybe I shouldn't have stopped taking you for tests." Mom muttered climbing carefully off the couch and picked up the phone and dialled a number. "I knew it was a good thing to memorise the hospital's number."


It is now currently 11PM and to continue to celebrate the last hour of Lexy's birthday me, Jacob, Alexis, Paul, Kim, Jared, Seth, Quil and Embry are now sitting in the living room playing truth or dare. Very original, huh?

I know I said I wasn't staying in this house any longer, but mom forbid me to go live with hobos.

She said that's Alexis's thing. So I still have to live here. It's kinda funny if you think about it. A werewolf is scared of a spider. It's kinda pathetic. At least I'm not the only one. Poor Embry. The guys are still making fun of him.

Anyway. Back to the present. So this is how our truth or dare game works. If you chicken out on any truth or dare you have to sleep in the bathroom tonight. This is gonna be interesting.

"Jacob, truth or dare?" Jared begun.

"Dare." Jacob said confidently.

"Okay, I dare you to drink two raw eggs." Jared smirked.

Jacob rolled his eyes and stood up. "That's too easy." He disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a glass and two eggs. As soon as he downed it without any problem he stuck his tongue out at Jared and winked at me. He is so hot.

"Okay, my turn." Jacob said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Paul, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Paul answered cocky. He's just trying to impress Alexis. Which isn't that hard to do really. Alexis is easily impressed. Seriously.

"I dare you to....let Lexy give you a makeover." Jacob laughed along with everyone in the room, but Paul had a horrified expression on his face.

"Please, Paul, please." Lexy begged him pulling on his arm like a little kid begging her mommy for a toy. Paul got a lost expression on his face staring into her eyes and a goofy smile spread across his face.

"Sure, anything for you." I'm pretty sure he had no idea what he was saying. Poor guy. This proves that imprinting isn't always a great thing.

"Yay! Thank you." She gave him a swift kiss on the cheek before jumping up to get her make-up case she got from me and Kim.

On The Run (Under Severe Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن