Start from the beginning

Quilo, huh? What a weird name.

When we arrived at the party, there was a lot of attendees faces that are faniliar to me and some aren't, which means they're probably new. There are only few members who bought their sons and daughters with them and that includes me. Since my parents are busy with greeting and talking to other members of this society that we lived in, I walked my way out from them to find my own space in this place.

I ended up in the garden area of the venue and when I thought I was the only peson to be there, fate proves me that I got it all wrong and that is where I will first meet the person of my dreams that took my breath away when he shifted his eyes to my direction and smiled at me. Oh fuck! Is he a fallen angel?!

"H-hi," I greeted.

I bit my lips to stop myself from flushing when he flashed his sweet smile again before answering my question.

"H-hi. ."

I sit beside him without asking permission 'coz why ask? I can do what I want. I'm the current Capofamiglia's son.

"U-uh. ."

"Hmm?" I respond in a smirk and lick my lips. Oh boy! What is this I am feeling? Like, I wanna kiss this pretty boy infront of me.

Sure, our genders are same but who created this boy infront of me that can beat other girls faces that I already met? But he looks so young thou. I might get jailed if I pursue him. Well, isn't that exciting, huh, Enix? I laughed at my own thought which makes him wonder.

He immediately shook his head away when we caught each other's eye, and did I mention that his cheeks blushed? Aww. Does he like me? Oh, I like you too, baby.

"I-I should go now. . B-bye. ." he says, almost whispering as he quickly gets up.

"Huh? But why? W-wait!" I stopped him by holding his wrist, which leads him getting out of balance and fall on top of me.

"Aww, man! That hurts. Hey, are you alright?" I asks as I pat his head while his body rests on mine.

Oh god! His scent drives me insane! He smells like a sweet flower I would die for to have in my bedroom tonight.

"S-s-sorry, kuya. ." he apologise with tears in his eyes that are about to fall. Oh shit. Seeing his expression makes my manhood rise. Out of all people that'll make me hard, why does it has to be with this pretty boy that's so obviously fucking young? Father's gonna kill me for sure if he founds out about this.

But he said Kuya, right? What's that?


His eyes widened when he realizes something that he shouldn't have done or said and got up. Oh here we go again. No, you can't get away form me without giving me your name!

I was about to stop him again when a sudden strong hand tapped mine away from my fallen angel. Annoyed, I looked at the intruder and came face to face with the Yakuza's son - Quilo Naito. What the hell's with him?

"K-kuya. ." whispered my angel but I can sense fear in his tone. Why? I looked at him to check if it was me he is referring but was a bit sad when I realized that it wasn't me but Quilo.

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