New Beginings

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Kasumi spawned in the world she had created just seconds ago. She was quite excited to play on a brand new server and have a fresh start. To her surprise she had spawned in the middle of a desert and it seemed like there was a sand tower nearby. What a great start!
She was just about to head towards it when someone yelled at her from behind. "Kasumi! Why is the world name Hos mad!?" She turned around to see a fellow vocalist, Ran. "Mitake-san, you seein this?" Kasumi pointed to the sand tower in the distance to avoid the question.
"Yeah but we just started, we need tools. Theres nothing that we can use in this desert." Ran sighed in disappointment. "Come on, let's go find a different biome." She started to walk away and so Kasumi followed behind her. They took a few steps before another member joined the server. "Huh? What is this place?" The two vocalists turned around the spot Kaoru standing behind them.
"Kaoru! Over here!" Kasumi shouted to the guitarist who slowly walked over to her. "Kasumi, Ran, it's a pleasure to see you two here. It seems we have spawned in a minecraft server."
"No shit sherlock!" Ran snapped before she started to walk away from the group.
She didn't have to walk far to find a village and a totally different biome. She smiled to herself until she heard the two girls following her. She couldn't tell what they were saying but she didn't need to inorder to start running towards the village.
She needed to get away from those two dumbasses!
She made it to the village in a heartbeat. She was quite happy with her find so she didn't waste anytime raiding the place. She found all the tools she needed to explore the sand tower and even got herself a bed. By the time she was done with half the village, the sun was setting.
Ran jumped as she heard Kasumi call her name and quickly turned to face the girl who looked quite worried. "Whats wrong?"
"I lost Kaoru! I-I was raiding half of the village and I gave her food and a pickaxe and she just disappeared!" Ran took a minute to process the information before she sighed in disappointment. "Then lets go get her..."
And so the two started their adventure to find Kaoru but it ended short because they found her near the sand tower.
"Ran, Kasumi, I got what was inside the sand tower and I have gifts for both of you." Kaoru exclaimed before she gave the two vocalists their gifts.
"Wow! Some gold!? Thanks Kaoru!" Kasumi smiled brightly as she hugged the gold close to her chest. Meanwhile, Ran was silent as she was given a 32 stack of string.
The string might have been enough to make her log off because that was exactly what she did. It's safe to say Kaoru never joined the server again after that.

Oof this is short but like, I have no idea what happened after that since I logged off so this is all I can write. My memory is shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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