Perfectly fine with Anastasia. She never wanted to grow up, she'd rather stay young.

She was determined to stay out of politics, much to the consternation of her parents.

Her nanina didn't care, she loved Anastasia for who she was, not for who others aspired her to be.

"I love this job, almost as much as I love you. I would hate to get demoted to a chamberpot maid because something happened to you." Terrina said with feeling.

They were sitting in one of the many parlors scattered throughout the main royal palace. 

The medium sized city was a sprawling, complex hub of political activity for which Anastasia, typically, cared not a whit.

Roughly thirty square miles made up of royal homes, gardens, sports centers, playgrounds, business plazas, shopping plazas, boarding houses, etc, etc.

This small but wealthy kingdom, christened Roogerville, was situated just below the Frost Mountains. Woodlands whose brush had been cleared surrounded three sides of the city, resulting in pleasant woods to travel through and make small resort homes in.

The land was mostly quiet. Twenty-five years ago there had been the biggest battle in the history of the elven race.

The Arthropoda kind,who are invertebrates and live halfway across the world, had all united under one banner: kill all the warm blooded warriors and enslave the leftovers.

Generally speaking they stand about four to six feet tall, though reports of spiders growing to seven feet tall and twenty feet in diameter had been circulated, but never verified.

For the most part the Arthropodas are humorless, cold hearted creatures who care for nothing other than eating, breathing, and breeding. 

Crustaceans, arachnids, and insects gathered together on the Hill of Sparrow to wage warfare with the likes of which nearly ripped the planet in half.

Elves, humans, felinus(cat species), dwarves, small folk, fairies, werewolves, werebears, witches, even giants, orcs, goblins, and the dreaded minotaurs, all put aside their differences to destroy this threat.

The war had waged for five months of constant battle. What had saved them in the end was a brilliant battle strategy put together by none other than Anastasia's father, Warmon Roogervald.

He came home a war hero and the people revered and respected him.

He had founded this small kingdom right at the foot of their old homeland, The Frost Mountains.

Warmon was well liked and respected because he didn't discriminate, allowing any race to abide in his city and kingdom. So long as they paid the high tax rate.

People came and the kingdom grew.

Now it was years later and they had heard nothing more from the Arthropodas.

People were happy to live their lives and didn't worry about the cold blooded creatures return.

After all, they were basically wiped out, right?

What the problem was post war, battle hardened veterans were angry, especially the felinus kind,  because of the fact that the frogmen, lizardmen, wingless dragons, mermaids, molemen, medusa clan, vampires and zombies refused to lend their aid.

Granted, most of those mentioned didn't have their own kingdom as such, but it still would have been nice to have their help instead of kicking back their heels watching the show.

Warmon, Stasia's father, swore he saw several frogmen camped close to the Hill of Sparrow on the day the long battle began, relaxing as they popped dead flies in their mouth, enjoying the vicious battle .

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