Research, Research

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I lay in bed as a checked through my case file for the 78th time.

Name: Unknown
Villain Name: Deku
Age: 17-18
Appearance: Curly dark green hair, forest green eyes, freckles, Caucasian, roughly 5'5", male.
Living relatives: Unknown
Relationships: Unknown
Organisation: Believed to be linked to the League of Villains
Past Crimes: Identity Fraud, Shoplifting
Quirk: None
Last Known Sighting(s):

Living relatives: UnknownRelationships: UnknownOrganisation: Believed to be linked to the League of VillainsPast Crimes: Identity Fraud, Shoplifting Quirk: NoneLast Known Sighting(s):

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I kept scanning through the photos provided

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I kept scanning through the photos provided. In the second one, it seemed like this "Deku" was sitting next to fire-hand. I kept switching between the photos to see if I could find any leads on where to find this guy. I pushed my swivel chair over to where my desk was, and turned on my second-hand laptop. Let's see... ah ha!
The uniform matched up with a school called "Aldera Junior High", located in Musutafu, Japan. It wasn't too far from here, so I could probably walk there tomorrow. I grinned at how easily I was catching onto this.
"This is gonna be easy peasy~"

I kept scanning through the photos to find even more leads. I couldn't go to the Aldera until tomorrow, anyways. There wasn't much information on the street photo of Deku, so I focused my attention on the classroom image. All the students were showing off their quirks except...

I peered closer to the guy leaning back in his chair, no sign of a quirk. Was that...
Katsuki Bakugo...?

Since I couldn't really see his face, I couldn't be sure. Although his posture, spiky blonde hair and skin tone looked almost identical, Katsuki was a show-off. Why wasn't he displaying his amazingly over-powered quirk? Does Katsuki have a twin brother...? I didn't think so.
Ugh, this is a waste of time! I'm supposed to be focusing on the case... but, if it is Katsuki, I could have a new lead... no! Bad Ochaco! Focus on the...
Even if they were small and far-fetched, I was desperate to find any new leads. I couldn't help it. I was trying my best to avoid this fact, but the case file didn't really include much information. Also, why were his crimes so... um... minor? Didn't Mr. Aizawa think I was ready for a proper case? Plus, in the first photo... Deku looked so... scared. Even in the second one he looked isolated. I turned off my laptop and flopped onto my cactus green sheets with a sigh.
I was going to solve this. And catch Deku earlier than everyone else! No matter how big or small this case was, I was gonna prove to everyone that I wasn't just some weak poor kid! I had a plan set in mind.
For now, I would sleep on it, though. I turned off the air conditioner, put on my boxing gloves so I didn't accidentally make everything float, and climbed into the sheets.

I was gonna solve this...
I was gonna...

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