Did he decorate all this? He was such a mighty person with great capabilities- excellent Kung Fu, handsome looks, and even a pair of nice hands. Is he really her fiance?

Gu Xijiu was still uncertain about the answer. She removed her blanket and got off her bed. She found the old patriarch idling nearby.

"Patriarch, where is he?"

Gu Xijiu addressed him as 'father' in front of others, but she called him patriarch when they were alone. "Stone... Hmmm, Miss Xijiu, Mr. Di invited you to Moyou Lake when you are awake."


Moyou Lake was the only source of water in the tribe; it was connected to other streams outside the tribe. Although it was called a 'lake,' it resembled a pond. The left side of the lake was higher than the right side, so the people took their drinking water from the higher side and bathed on the other side.

Since more than 100 people were living in the tribe, there were some rules when it came to bathing. The females should bathe between 3 pm to 5 pm while the men should bathe between 5 pm to 7 pm. After 7 pm, it was the time for the patriarch and 'Stone' to bathe.

Gu Xijiu looked at hourglass before she came out; it was the time when the men were supposed to bathe. What was he doing there now? Did he plan to bathe together with those men? Suddenly, a scene of Di Fuyi bathing with other men flashed across her mind.

She immediately shivered as she truly felt that the scene felt so wrong. She could not imagine further. Gu Xijiu rushed over, only to realize it was very quiet at the lake and she did not see anyone else present.

How come these people did not bathe today? Were they trying to skip their bath? The people did not have the habit of bathing regularly when Gu Xijiu had just arrived. Usually, they only bathed once or twice a month.

The weather was scorching; hence, it was reasonable to smell a stinky scent around people. Since Gu Xijiu had her say in the tribe, the very first thing she did was to force everyone to bathe every day. Eventually, they kept the good habit.

But today... She took a stroll around the lake and realized no one was there. However, she noticed a white tent behind the rocks at the higher end of the lake. She decided to enter the tent to find out more.

It was there that she found Di Fuyi sitting in front of the tent. There was a small tea table with some snacks and tea, while his robe was fluttering as he was chilling in there. Gu Xijiu looked at the white tent behind him and then looked at him again. She was wondering how he could live such a luxurious lifestyle wherever he visited. Perhaps, he planned to make this place his 'home.'

"You are awake." Di Fuyi looked at Gu Xijiu joyfully. "You seem to have gotten better," he continued as he pushed some snacks toward her. "Try some."

Certainly, Gu Xijiu would not decline such offers. She took one and put it into her mouth. It was soft and tasty, which was perfect for her. For someone like her, who only had very simple food every day, that was considered a delicious delicacy. Moreover, she was already hungry; hence, she ate quite a lot.

She had already finished all four plates of snacks when she realized how much she had consumed. Yet, when she lifted her head, she saw him staring at her with a pair of charming eyes. Her heart raced a little.

She was curious. "Why are you not eating?"

"I cannot compete with you." Di Fuyi teased her as he lifted his hand to remove the leftovers at the edge of her mouth and then put it into his mouth.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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