Chapter One: Witness and Hit and run

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The locks of my hair were dark brown, a shade of which I can’t describe. It reminds me of the autumn, the fresh days before trees lose their leaves and their colours. It is the time that I would wrap up warm and some leaves on the city street would crunch under my feet. A beautiful time indeed, just before some animals would go to sleep for the winter. My hair was thick, as I could use it as a scarf and snuggle into it.

My eyes stood out the most out of everything. They were so clear and bright, blue as an ocean on a summer’s day. Looking at them brought calm over me, as I remember a memory of standing in a clear ocean when I was younger. However looking through them, I could see a barrier, a dark barrier of what was behind my eyes, the things that I especially kept hidden from the world.

Anger is an emotion so strong and so visible, yet to those who choose to see only what they want to, see only the flash of fire in my eyes, feel only a burn in the deepest depth of my soul, hear only the drop of one tear as it passed my cheek, these signs catch those who care and they look only into my eyes with the power of ice, calm my soul with just one touch and dry the tear with just one word.

“So you’re running still, basically,” I remember him saying “You finally have a place where you can stop and rest but you’re still going to run?”

“Listen, you have no idea what I’ve been through in the past two years. Maybe you’ll figure it out when your friends interrogate me about it. Then you might understand.” I remember replying to him and walking away.

Looking back, I would say I had let a little too much of my emotion run. Now I had to keep them locked in the dark barrier. I don't let many people in. And even then, the few I do let in, they don't bother to call as much. The things I’ve been through, and the things that added to that, taught me not to trust people. People would always let you down, even your own family. I don't talk to my family. Not since the accident happened. Well, they said accident, I know the truth. I'm always going to be alone. My mistake was letting him in. It will never happen. Not again.

I landed in a small alley and assessed my injury, nicked shoulder which was bleeding like a fiend.  I ripped my shirt and used it as a makeshift bandage. I could hear my stomach growling from the lack of food I had received when I was in the labs but I had nothing to go on. Where am I? Where can I go? Those answers could wait for now I just had to figure out where I was first.

It felt like forever and a million wrong turns before I found some sense of direction and I continued walking until I heard voices.

“Ain’t you a drink of water?” Said a tall blonde haired woman, as she approached a tall mysterious figure. “And I’m kind of thirsty.”

“Is that so?” The other voice replied. I stayed silent listening in to the conversation I don’t know why I did do that but it was better than wondering around lost and having no clue on where you are. I was hiding behind a set of garbage cans listening intently.

“I’m guessing you're looking for a little action yourself?” she asked as she walked further towards the man and I could feel my breath which was captured in my throat and I was frozen to the spot.  

“In fact, I am looking for something. Perhaps you can help me.” I was confused. Was he like me? I shook my head remembering there was no one like him there when I was in captivity. Who is this man and why does he sound really malevolent.

“English, right? She asked a tone of confusion to her voice “I’ve got a thing for the Brits. Being so polite and all.”  She replied.

“Well, this place, it's rather strange, a sanctuary, and it takes in only the most unusual guests...” he commented and the woman just judging from her facial expression knew what he was talking about but she seemed hesitant on replying to him.

“There’s a big old place down by the water, Grayson Street, I think. I’ve heard all kinds of stories, but I never put much stock in ‘em. I’ll take you there, if you like, but it'll cost you extra.” I made a mental note on the address and I settled down but what happened next was unexpected and I couldn’t believe on what I had witnessed.

“How very kind of you.” he said and he took out a knife and stabbed the woman in the stomach. “But I think I can find it on my own.” I slipped and knocked the garbage cans over that had got the man’s attention and without thinking I ran, I ran as fast as I could.

I ran so quickly thinking I was next on his list of victims and I didn’t even see the bright lights in front of me the car sideswiped me and then I felt my ribs and my entire skeleton shake from the impact I knew my head had collided with the wall and I managed to roll away from the tires which avoided my skull. I blacked out thinking I was going to die.

I woke up in a room filled with bright lights. My eyes adjusted and then I noticed it was a hospital. My stomach churned with fear and I didn't trust this place. I looked around and saw a very handsome doctor. I was guessing early 20's maybe. I didn't trust him. I learned not to trust anybody. But if anyone looked that good, and if they were nice as well, definitely don't trust them. He approached me and smiled. "Hello, there. I am Doctor James Cullen. You were hit by a car. You're lucky you survived ms..."He trailed off. I didn't want him to know my name so I come up with a fictitious name.

"Maria. Ms Maria-Scarlett Summers." I looked away, remembering the thoughts. The last thoughts, of my mother....

"It's your choice and that's what this has all been about—the choices your kind makes. But you're gonna have to weigh that choice. Ask yourself what it is going to take to do this and what the world will be like after it's done..."

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