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Hufflepuff, Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin love lives!!! #iamboredAF

Slytherin: Zayn Cromar
Hufflepuff: Valerie Joyce
Ravenclaw: Lisette Mae
Griffindor: Edwin Nids

Special thanks to Demon_Takeover_mage for requesting the names of Hufflepuff, Griffindor and Ravenclaw 🙂

And I also added new professors into this story, it's just fanfiction, so I hope you'll allow it..hehe...

Here are the professors:

Divination: Professor Eve
Potions: Professor Linn
Herbology: Professor Aian
Charms: Professor Aliyah
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Professor Mitto
History of Magic: Professor Kiarah
Transfiguration: Professor Ian
Arithmancy: Professor Jazztine
Care of Magical Creatures: Professor Janessa

(I know I don't own Harry Potter, but I hope it's okay to change the names of the professors or change them completely? I dunno, if it offends you, please tell me and I will change it right away)

Huflepuff x Slytherin & Griffindor x RavenclawWhere stories live. Discover now