I have lots of questions

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 I have lots of questions.

But the problem is that i can't find any answer .

So...... I decided to take a paper

And write about how I feel.

And i really hope that will make me feel better !

I really do know what I want......

I want to move, to run, to prove, and to make the goals get done.

I want to keep moving and i don't want to stop ever.

I want to fall down and get up again. To lose and then gain .

I want to try , to see. To live and learn.

I need to feel that there are no barriers. To feel that the only barrier is the sky. Because i surely can't fly......
Maybe that feeling would stop me to cry !!!

It makes me so sad that I'm unable.
That nothing for me is valid.

It makes me so sad, In the same time so angry..... Angry because I'm not free... It also makes me so hungry. Hungry for life.


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