No Training Today

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After the person finished singing I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I knocked on the door and spoke. "Hello! Can you unlock the door for me!" I didn't hear anyone reply so I spoke again. "Please unlock the door!"

---...~Y/n's POV~...---

"Please unlock the door!"

Dammit! Why did it have to be him that knocks on the door?! I told him not to follow me! I need to get off of the rooftop now! I looked around the rooftop to see if there was anyway I could get off the rooftop.

When I finally found a cord, it was going from the roof to one of the rooms on the floor below. That would mean that the cord goes through the fence's small hole at the bottom. No matter where this cord goes, I'll be put in a random spot in the school. Anywhere's better than red hair finding me here!!

I used my quirk to get out and I kept my eyes closed the entire time. I just have to trust the luck of appearing somewhere else that's not near him.

I felt my quirk stop working, meaning I'm at my destination. I felt like I was falling, but I didn't feel myself hitting the ground. The only thing I heard was a grunt. I opened my eyes to see Amajiki(Tamaki).

"Oh my!! I'm so sorry Amajiki!! I used my quirk to get out of a situation, and I didn't know where the cor-!" I tried to say, but I got interrupted.

"It's fine Y/n..." He said. He looked up at me then looked away. "Uh..."

"Let me guess... I'm not turning into a potato or something?"

"I tried to picture a kitty cat actually..."

"Really!!" I actually like cats, so I was really happy when he said that. "Oh um... Sorry for saying that really loud Amajiki... I'll look away if you want..."

"N-no, it's f-fine... I understand t-that you like cats"

"Are you sure that you don't want me to look away?"

"J-just.. I need to f-fix it... M-maybe I can try again..."

"Sure, go ahead Amajiki"

I stood still for a bit to see if it would work. I think it did because Amajiki started to ruffle my hair. "G-good kitty..."

"Is Tamaki back at it?" I heard Hado(NEJIRE~SENPAI!!!) ask.

"Yea, it looks like it!!" Togata(Mirio) mentioned.

"I'm okay with it though. I'm just happy that I'm a kitty cat to him" I reassured them.

"You do like your cats!"

"It's not my fault, it's kinda like a twin thing..."

"Kitty cat... Stop moving... Your fur will be messy..." Amajiki told me.

"Oops.. This is the second time that he pictured me as a kitty cat that I forgot about that" I stopped moving, but looked over at Hado. "Hey, Hado, how long till lunch is over?"

"Like 20 minutes. Why are you asking?" She wondered.

"Well, if there's a bench nearby, I was thinking that he could sit down and I could rest my head in his lap. He's not going to stop imaging me as a kitty cat... So might as well be comfortable while he's still like this"

"I guess you're right" Togata answered for Hado.

Hado grabbed Amajiki's other hand a led him to the nearest bench and once we got there he sat down. I got up on the bench laying down, resting my head on his lap. He kept rubbing my head, and I felt like I could fall asleep. Guaranteed that I actually started to close my eyes.

✔Manly ~ Eijiro Kirishima X Reader✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang