Chapter 2 - is This for real?

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I twisted the key into my door. but before it could push open, my mum had already forcefully pulled open the door. With a half bottle of vodka and a lit cigarette in one hand, and with her other hand on the handle of the door. She had been drinking again.
"What did I fucking tell you about not cleaning your room before you leave!" She harshly shouted slurring her words. She was clearly drunk.
"Sorry mum, I was in a rush this morn-", I said softly and quietly.
"O-Oh shut it ! It's all lies with you! You have no respect for me after everything I've done for you!", she said as she started staggering towards me spilling bits of her drink onto the floor.
"You are so ungrateful ! After everything I've done for you running away from him for you!" She laughed sarcastically, while continuing to step closer.
"MUM!", I screamed.
"I should have just left you back there ! You fuck-", she screamed back as she began to explode.
"Stop!", I said as I burst in to tears, "stop okay!".
She began to chuckle sarcastically. As this intensified she threw the almost empty bottle of vodka against the wall, Slightly skimming my head. I broke down in tears. All I could hear were the cries of my little brother.i ran to him and cradled him.
I sat on my bed really deeping the past. Trying to comprehend all the experiences that have occurred in my life. Having to take a whole change in my life. Having to now make a whole new set of friends ... not that I had any anyway. I flicked through my snapchat memories trying to find videos of when I was happy. Crazy how I need a video to validate wether I am really happy or not.
"Trisha, go and buy me some toilet rolls from the shop we are running out! Unless you want to wipe your ass with your fucking towels!", she shouted aggressively.
I kissed my teeth furiously and began to get ready to go to the shop. I began to put my flip flops on and make my way outside the door. As I reached the elevator, it was out of order.
"Typical south London estate issues", I sighed to myself .
I began to make my way to the staircase which I would be facing a hell of a exercise since I live on the 14th floor. Through every step the noise of a group of boys and the smell of weed grew stronger. My legs began to give way and I became anxious. As I began to rapidly walk past, I kept my head Low until I heard a deep voice.
"What Trisha ? You can't say hello no?", Cairo said cheekily while exhaling the smoke. I swiftly turned around nervously, as him and his friends eyed me so sexually it was as if they were undressing me with their eyes . As he did his signature grin. That grin that could make you lose all senses.
"So, you live on my block now yeah Since when?", he chuckled.
"U-um about a couple days ago, I just moved from Birmingham ", I said as I continued to nervously walk down the stairs. "I don't really leave the house much so that's probably why you've never seen me".
"Oh and by the way these are my boys TJ", he said as he pointed at the caramel complexion boy from college. " and this this Terrell", he said as he pointed towards the curly head boy from college.
"Hi", I said nervously.
"Yo" , TJ and Terrell said in sync.
" so Trisha, where you off to?". Cairo said as he threw his joint on the floor and stomped on it to light it out.
"I'm just going to the shop to get a couple things for my mum, nothing much " I said.
" boring", TJ said childishly while putting emphasis on the letter 'B' .
" why don't you come smoke with us?" Terrell said while chuckling at TJ's behaviour. "Have you ever smoked before?"
"Yes but-"
" so you might aswell" Cairo said while shrugging his shoulders. " you can go to the shop after"
I contemplated wether to listen to them or not . So many thoughts were running through my head. But I did leave for a fresh start I do need to make friends...right ?
Cairo passed the new joint to me as i continued to inhale and exhale my worries. I began to feel light headed . I was finally relaxed.
"Yo your eyes are so red". TJ said as he chuckled. While I sat and moaned in confusion
"I've been thinking, you look mad familiar you know"
My heart sank. So many thoughts kept spiralling into my head. What if he knows?!? What if he tells someone ? What does he mean!
"Ah shit I lied I don't, I'm just so fucking High " he said as everyone erupted in laughter. But I couldn't help but feel slightly paranoid.

"Why don't you come down the stairs so I can talk to you privately ay?", Cairo said as he softly whispered into my ears. His deep husky voice led me without a question with him down stairs.
As I staggered down the stairs hysterically It was then I had realised my high had intensified as well as my lust. He began to get close to me as we spoke.
" you know you're so beautiful right?"
"you're just saying that because your high" I said as I laughed shyly while swiftly turning my head the other way.
"You're right" , he said emotionlessly as I Looked at him with a straight face.
"I'm saying it because I'm high because I wouldn't have the same courage if I wasn't " . He said as he gradually got closer so I could feel his warm breath against my cheek . Each word bringing warmth into my heart. He slowly kissed me. My heart feeling fluttered, my body feeling overwhelmed with joy. I was shocked.
" OH SHIT!" , TJ and Terrell said in sync as they caught us while recording on snapchat. "Now what's going on here kids" they both said into the camera while laughing.
In embarrassment, I quickly got up and ran upstairs back to my house in the midst of Cairo shouting back that he would call me. I couldn't help but feel stupid. I ran up to my room as my mum tailed along screaming about me not getting anything from the shop.

"What the fuck were you doing outside if you wasn't buying toilet rolls ?" She shouted as she proceeded to step closer to me. "Do you think I sent you out to carry on with your stupid antics ay? Oh you'll see-"
Her words became mumble to me. The more I began to deep what had happened the less I focused on reality. Cairo kisses me? HE kissed ME? I never would have thought a guy like him would even acknowledge me.
"- ARE YOU EVEN FUCKING LISTENING TO ME!" She screamed in frustration.
"Yes mum, I'm sorry I just got caught up in stuff "
" if you don't start to show some respect then I'm going to tell everyone your dirty little secret maybe that will teach you!"She shouted as she kissed her teeth and slammed my room door .
I sighed as I need to wake up for college tomorrow.

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