"So... is that the outfit that you died in? Is it like whatever outfit you die in is the outfit that you wear forever?" you inquired, trying to lighten the mood. The ghost just smiled, laughing a bit. "Yeah, kinda. Though, I have seen some ghosts who also look exactly how they died. Luckily, you can't see my insides, but you can see this." he said, pulling up his shirt. Road burns and bruises covered his torso. You looked, thinking that it wasn't that bad. "It wasn't so much the outside as it was the inside. My ribs punctured my organs. It didn't hurt though, so it was quick." he told you. You just looked at him. He seemed so nonchalant about the dying thing, but you could see it wasn't ideal. You looked away, and he fixed his shirt. You don't know why, but John just seemed like a guy who you felt comfortable being around. 'What's so bad about ghosts anyway?' you thought to yourself. John as dissipated, telling you that he was off to let you get some rest. You layed back down and closed your eyes, not knowing just how much torture the next week was going to be.

Day 1: Waking up the next morning, you found all of your clothes strewn across the bed. Apparently your little conversation with John didn't resolve anything, and he was going to make sure you knew it. You grumbled, picking up all of the clothes and putting them back onto hangers, placing them back into your closet. Afterwards, you went into the bathroom to take a shower and brush your teeth. You thought about John, wondering why he pulled the little stunt this morning. As your washed your hair, you felt the water begin to heat up. You brushed it off, just thinking it was the old pipes. The curtains on your shower got ripped open, and a familiar ghost stood before you. "I can see your butt~" you heard his voice sing. You gasped, grabbing the curtain and covering yourself with it. Your face turned red, and you stared at the apparition infront of you. "John!" you shrieked. He cackled, disappearing again. You were fuming, pulling the curtain closed again. As you stepped into the stream of the water, you shrieked again, getting burned by the water. You heard a loud laugh in response. After the shower ordeal, you stepped out, putting on some house clothes. You stepped back into your room to grab your phone, only to be surprised that the clothes that your had just hung up were strewn across the room again. You sighed angrily, fixing your clothes once again before grabbing your phone and leaving. You stepped into the kitchen, only to find that the boxes of food you had were now stacked in a tower on the floor. You fixed them, shoving them angrily back into your cupboard. You grabbed some cereal, a bowl, and milk, fixing yourself breakfast. John appeared next to you, leaning on the counter. "Aw man, that's prolly what I miss most. Especially like hot foods and stuff, like wings and jalapeño pizza." he told you. You just ignored him, already agitated at his behavior this morning. You scrolled on your phone, eating your cereal. John pouted behind you, crossing his arms. "Y'know, (Y/N), it's rude to ignore the person whose house you're living in." he stated matter-of-factly. You turned your phone off and turned to him. "It's not polite to throw someone's belongings across the room." you told him. He smirked and rolled his eyes, strutting across the room. "It's just cause I like ya so much." he said, a fake sweet tone to his voice. You stared after him, shaking your head at his fading figure.

Day 2: You woke up and surprisingly none of your shit was slung across your bedroom. It seemed a little suspicious, but you just ignored it. You stayed in your pajamas, not really feeling like doing anything. You shuffled down the stairs and sat on your couch, sinking into the soft cushions. Staring into nothingness, you just enjoyed the silence. Well, until a loud rap song started playing throughout the house. You whipped around on the couch, staring at John who had your phone in his hand, playing some sort of rapper on youtube. You groaned, throwing your head back onto the couch. You were in for a rough time, but you ignored it, opting to just sleep all day.

Day 3: It was an uneventful day. You went out to grab some things for your home, and when you returned, John was hanging around you, whining about how much he missed you. "John I was gone for 3 hours." you said aggravatedly. John pouted playfully. "You're the only human interaction I've had in 3 years." he retaliated. You rolled your eyes. For someone who used to hate you, he really hated not being around you. You tried to figure out why you stayed, but it was probably just wanting to stay at the house. But something inside of your mind told you differently. Brushing it off, you asked John if he could help with decorations.

Day 4: You continued to decorate. Today, you were going to repaint your bedroom and actually get a matching bedroom suite, as opposed to the bright pink sheet and orange blanket you've owned for years. Instead of painting the whole room, you just decided to paint designs on the walls. John laid on your bed, his featherlight body not making a dent on the mattress. He stared at you, watching as you painted a mural on the bare wall. He couldn't help but watch your face, looking at your tongue poking from the corner of your mouth. You had paint smeared on your face, and a look of concentration set on your features. You didn't notice, which was for the better. John realized he was crushing on you.

Day 5: John wasn't around today. You wandered around the house, calling his name. A small frown etched its way onto your face, and you plopped down on your couch. It was so odd without the annoying ghost bothering you. You couldn't help but wonder why you were so upset he wasn't around. You missed his stupid, beautiful face and his soothing, rich voice. You snapped out of it, coming to a realization. You had a crush on John.

Day 6: John had woken you up that morning. He was shuffling around in your room, accidentally knocking stuff over. You jolted up, forgetting that he was, too, a resident here. "John?" you asked, the room still dark. A moment of silence passed, and you suspected that he wasn't actually there. "(Y/N)." came John's reply. You layed back down, not so worried about him anymore. You wanted to sleep off your feelings for him, so sleep all day you did. You didn't realize how upset John was, but he just brushed it off.

Day 7: And today was the day you were debating on leaving. You woke up to your room covered in flowers of all shapes and sizes. Next to your head on the pillow, a note with your name was written on it. Picking it up, you read over it.
'Come downstairs when you wake up.'
It read. You rubbed your eyes, standing up to walk down into the living room. Reaching the bottom of the steps, you saw John standing in the middle of the room. You raised your eyebrow, walking behind him. "John?" you said. He turned to look at you, jumping a bit. You stood infront if him, looking into his eyes. He couldn't look at you though, instead his eyes wandering. "John, look at me." you whispered. He cleared his throat, looking into your (e/c) eyes. "Look, (Y/N), I have something to tell you. I was kind of anxious about doing it, but I want to now." John said to you. You opened your mouth to say something, but he shook his head. "The day you moved in, I didn't know how I felt with someone being here. Ever since I died, no one wanted to move here because I was still here. The first day, I tried getting you to leave. I wanted you to leave, but you didn't. So you just kinda stayed and bothered me, and I thought about the way that you looked and the amazing personality you have, and I wanted to tell you that I want you to stay here and I want to..." he said, beginning to laugh at the nonsense he was making, "I want to date you, but it'd be strange to because I'm a ghost and you're a human and we can't even kiss because I can't touch you but I like you, like a lot, and I just wanted to tell you." John finished. He never looked at you through the whole speech. Finally, after a moment of silence, he did, getting taken aback by the look on your face. You were smiling so big that your cheeks began to hurts. Your cheeks were a shade of red that didn't seem humanly possible, and your eyes gleamed up at him. Even though he said it was impossible, you grabbed his face and pulled him down to meet your. You had expected your face to faze through his, but instead, your lips smashed together in sync. His eyes became wide, but soon they closed, and he pulled you closer against him. He swiped his tongue against your lip, pushing his way into your mouth. He could've gone on for forever, but you needed to move back to breathe. You looked up at him again, and he looked back. "You're beautiful." he whispered.

Yes, this week had been absolutely dreadful. You moved in, got stuck with a vaping ghost, and, to your surprise, fell in love. You thought about it as you laid in bed, John resting against your side. You wanted to leave at first, but you started to think that you might actually stay for a while.

Kryozgaming x Reader: Various FicsWhere stories live. Discover now