'we were gonna go to Pairs'

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'You promise we're going to go to Paris one day.' She said as she held her pinky finger out.

'I promise you babe.' He said as he interlocked his pinky with hers before placing a kiss upon their resting fingers.

The flashback hit him like a ton of bricks as he stood in his hotel room which just so happened to be in Paris.

He looked out of the city thinking of how she should be with him. She shouldn't be in another country.

She should be with him not just in Paris but always.

But their relationship wasn't enough, or that's what they told themselves.

Putting on his jacket he left the hotel, wandering down the random streets of the foreign country he was not familiar with at all.

Usually the two would walk around the city they were in all day if they could, exploring and mainly just enjoying each other's company.

Oh how he wished he booked them flights sooner. He wished he brought her to Paris just how he had promised her.

He was annoyed at himself as he felt as though he was breaking their promise. He had promised her and now he's walking the streets without her.

Taking his phone from his pocket he took a photo of the view.

Oh how he wished she was the view. He wishes he was pretending to take photos of the view but really he was taking photos of her.

He didn't know what to do with himself. He felt like he was all alone this tour. The other boys had brought along their girlfriends meaning they were off doing couple stuff.

Of course they invited him but he couldn't bring himself to be surrounded by couples, especially in this city. The city of love. The city where he promised his love her would take her.

But due to the circumstances she wasn't with him. He had planned to take her on the tour with him but she ended it before he got the chance to.

He still beats himself up everyday. He let something so good go to waste. Oh what he would do to hold her in his arms again, the place where she belongs.

Throughout his mind the questions that ran through did not stop.

'Was I not good enough?'

'Did she find somebody else?'

'Did she fall out of love with me?'

The last thought probably hit hard the most seeing as even though they were no longer in a relationship, never mind on talking terms; he still absolutely adored everything about her.

At nights he would find himself sat scrolling through the photos and videos they had made a shared album of with each other. These held so many memories for him seeing as there was none left now to make.

But little did he know, she too done the same almost daily.

Plopping himself down on an abandoned bench he uploaded the photo to his Instagram story with the location of the photo.

As she opened the Instagram app, his icon appeared. She clicked on his story, eager to see what he was up to and where in the world he was. 

Truth be told, she still cared, she was still interested. But most importantly, she was still in love.

She felt her heart shatter when she seen he was there without her.

Thinking of it, she would do anything to be there, she would do anything to be with him again.

She closed the app and decided to get a bath to take her mind off of things.

But that only led her to reminisce on all of the baths they had shared.

There was no escaping him.

And for him, there was no escaping her.

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