He came up to me and slapped me hard across the face. I held my cheek in my hands. I wanted to badly to show that I was not the weak little girl that he remembers. I just held my tongue and backed away from him.

“I’m coming with you willingly Grady, if you want a son that is going to be strong, then you can’t beat on me. Please Grady leave me while I carry these babies.” I tried to sound as meek and timid as I could.

Grady grabbed me by the hair at the back of my head and got into my face, letting out a deep growl. “I will do whatever I want and if my son dies because you are weak and pathetic, then you die too.”

He was crazy to think that him hurting me and me losing the babies would be my fault. I may have to show my ace before I am ready to.

He pulled on my hair and we started walking, to where I am not sure, but I knew that this was the only way to keep everyone safe.

~Nate’s POV~

I was startled awake by yelling and the sound of someone running up the stairs screaming my name. Looking around the room I searched for Blue, she was not here. I then saw the note and her ring on the bed. My heart fell into my stomach. She left; she left and is going back to that monster that hurt her.

“NATE, NATE WAKE UP!” Brody yelled as he threw open my door.

I couldn’t move, I held the note in one hand and the ring in the other, unable to even think. Brody grabbed my shoulders and shook me violently. Wolves really are very strong and I was now in pain to prove it.

“She’s gone.” I said in almost a whisper.

Brody took the note from my hand and read it. “Don’t worry Nate, we will find her and bring her home. We are going to follow her scent and get her. She loves you and you know it.”

 I didn’t want to hear about how much she loves me. She would not have done this if she did. Pushing past Brody, I ran down the stairs and outside to the work shed. I ripped the drop cloth from the work table and just stared at the half completed crib that I was making.

Picking up a hammer from the bench I started smashing it into little pieces, screaming the entire time. Once I was satisfied that it was destroyed, I fell to my knees and cried like a baby. I heard someone coming up behind me and bending down next to me. It was Megan.

“She is doing this to protect you Nate. I know how she feels about you and if she lives, she will come back.

I bowed my head and felt defeated.

“She and the babies are my entire world Megan, they mean everything to me. How do I fix this?”

She rubbed my back and stood up, holding her hand out to me. “Come with us. We are preparing to leave and you should come along. Seeing you there, willing to fight for her will give her strength.”

Megan was right; I couldn’t give Blue up without a fight. I stood up and headed back to the house with her.

“You’re gonna have to rebuild that now you know?” She said as she elbowed my side.

“I know, but it will be worth it.”

We were all set to go. I felt at a disadvantage because I would not be able to run as fast as all the wolves around me. I had a backpack that contained weapons that Tim. Brody and David said were necessary. I also held my double-barreled shotgun in my nervous and shaking hands.

We ran in the direction that Tim said he saw Blue go in and they could quickly pick up her scent. We ran north for about an hour and they said that there were about 10 other scents that joined up with Grade and Blue. The scents all went in one direction towards town.

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