Chapter 11: Chuck, Blair, and an Inquisition

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     "God, so many compliments! I don't respond well to all this positive attention, somebody insult me quick!" She cried playfully, attempting to dismiss what Nate said as a joke.

     Dan immediately saved the day. "Silver? For a holiday party? Groundbreaking, Ella."

     Ella looked down at her dress and then back at Dan.

     "Well, your wife picked the dress, so..." She replied with a laugh. Serena smacked Dan in the arm lightly.

     "Alright, enough chit chat, we've been waiting to take a group photo!" Lauren Abernathy suddenly appeared, waving them towards the white carpet.

     Ella's eyes grew round taking in the sea of flashing cameras, all pointed like snipers in a firing range at the socialites and journalists who were entering the party. Nate knew that look.

     "Come on, don't be nervous," He urged her forward. She looked up at him, a guilty expression on her face.

     "Nate... About these past couple of weeks..." She began, obviously about to apologize for the distance. She wasn't entirely sure how to apologize, though, not without admitting that she'd been avoiding him, so she just trailed off.

     "What about these past couple of weeks?" He replied quickly, before becoming distracted by one of their coworkers. Ella swallowed. Right, the fact that they hadn't spoken in two weeks wasn't a big deal to him. Of course not. She was just overthinking things, as per usual. She took a deep breath and followed him out onto the white carpet. Dan and the rest of the editors were already there, as well as their featured writers.

     "Okay, one with just the editors and then we'll get a big one with the writers," Nate instructed as Blair positioned him in the center of the photograph, then arranged all the editors by height around him. This left the five foot four Ella next to and a little in front of him when it was time to take the picture. She was sharply aware of him as they were briefly forced to press together.

     The cameras immediately began to flash, blinding her as she smiled widely. She was certain her eyes were closed in at least half the pictures, but the group photos went quickly and then they could finally enter the rooftop space to enjoy the fruits of their month-long labor.

     The rooftop glittered like multicolored snow, music already blaring and food available at dozens of cocktail tables. There were chairs along the perimeter. Ella gushed her compliments to Blair and Chuck, who chatted away with her and Nate as more people arrived. All the guests passed by them, coming to pay their respects to Mr. Archibald. Journalists, socialites, bankers, politicians... They were all here. Even the new mayor was here, who shook Ella's hand gratefully as though she were singularly responsible for getting the last mayor ousted.

     Ella smiled uncomfortably and said her awkward hellos, finding herself stuck chatting with Blair as she conducted what she assumed was more of an interview than anything else. What she really wanted to do was duck somewhere quieter, hang out with her coworkers, and get drunk. She wondered idly where Dan and Serena had disappeared to. Probably off eating, drinking, and having a grand old time, the lucky bastards.

     "How long did you study at NYU?" Blair pressed, as though checking items off a list in her head.

     "I have my Bachelors in English as well as a minor in Journalism, so that was a little more than four years," Ella replied dutifully. Nate flashed her an apologetic look which she returned with the slightest of understanding smiles.

     "I don't suppose you chased the Red Dragon while you were there," Chuck also inquired.

     "The... Red Dragon?" Ella asked, frowning. "Is that like...a heroin joke or something? Because that's a little heavy even for me, I'll be honest..."

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