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Singapore's PoV

"y'know what's weird" I said I said to United states of america, or ame for short.

"that you have glasses and personality of germany" the American said with no hesitation. with a smirk creeping on his face as he snickered a bit

"what no," I hesistently replied back
"Phil's is offly nice, don't you find it weird that, he finds positivity in all things!" I exclaimed.

"I don't know singa, he just must be very" he paused a bit, " happy?- no wait! Cheerful! thats it cheerfull" he said like he didn't think about before actually saying it,

"what makes you think that" I told him.
we were at the peace meetings hosted by Uk or Ame's dad, to me Uk was like a step dad, well it really depends on what story i'm in
(oh boi he did it-)

"well maybe he just sees people frowning, and he just wants to cheer them up? y'know?" his statement came off more than a question rather than an answer.

I gaze my eyes at philippines who seems to be talking to china, as if he didn't do anything to him.
yes they have been battle-ing(?) over the west philippine sea.
if i were phil, whose also a country leader, I would be mad like hell.
but he seems a bit friendly... maybe a bit too freindly.
heck like he's friendly to countries who concoured him, well I can see myself also forgiving my colonizers.
but man he's just too friendly.

Germany's Pov

As the peace conference commenced everything is still fine, this conference is almost the thing that can put a bit of laughter to my face since I get to see countries being friendly to others and me, considering about the past was ruthless.
but that's just now in history..

who was yelling at the small country, philippines.
"I'm really sorry china, but that zone belongs to me and other asian countries." phil said keeping his cool as still smiling at china, like it was a normal conversation.

the countries at the table started to gossip and whisper to eachother

"oh come on" china rolled his his brown eyes.
"theres always a lot of rivers, ponds,
and lakes at your country, Since y'know you have 7,000+ islands" china made a inderstandable point but he acted like he damanded something like a spoild brat.
the peace confernce was silent, but the two asian countries, whose one is yelling and one is calm,
"china please, we are allies please don't demand a thing that belongs to me and the others we share, I Would happily share the sea-" philippines was cut off, by china laughing
"share?, why would I share, I have a whole economy of people who need food and I need more than, like what 50k of fish? that's like a quarter of mouths to feed to my people" china
what a sadist I thought to myself,
I also pondered to myself if he's done this with other Smaller countries as well.

as he continued to try and persuade the south east asian country, I can lightly see the country's teeth. It looked kinda sharp I thought to myself, poland then nudged me a bit
"hey Germany, do you think he'll snap at him at any second" poIand said pointing a at the country's face, I looked at his face whose smile slowly turned into a face of annoyance.

3rd person

"Just give up the sea anyway, you won't have any chance on beating me, as you rely on 'those' countries too, hell like if you've had no one to look after you you might have died from a truck, i'd say-" he was instantly punched at his stomach
"I've had enough of You're bullshit!"
he exclaimed as his flag inverted upside-down making the red stand up instead of the blue one, he threw another blow at china this time making his nose bleed,
the countries around them stood up and backed away in fear, as he was about a throw another blow at the chinese, until he saw the face of the other's whose look
gave a terrified face, as they've never seen this side of him, his angered face suddenly turned into a face of frustration before, spilling a few tears
barely noticable, he then let out his hand to china.
"I-i'm sorry" he stuttered a bit
"my anger got the best of me, how bout we settle this peacfully" as his face showed the same face of comfort with a bit of guilt mixed with it. his flag back to normal.

China then Held his hand and Phil lifted him up.
after being lifted up china then, gave a glare at philippines, who suddenly got a wave of guilt and fear from the glare.

"yeah right, peacefully" china mumbled the last part before asking to go to th Bathroom, who britain allowed. as he witnessed what happened.

as for philippines he sat right back on his seat, with a frown on his face.
silence came, before and after china went to the bathroom to fix his bleeding nose

the silence then was interrupted by america.

"what just happened?"
so this is my first ch fic please give me some constructive critiscism on how to do stories, it'll gladly help.!

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