Ch 2: Dearly Beloved (Edited)

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My dearly beloved, be strong, I shall be there
Always here beside you, so keep your head held high

Asagi Hio sat on the edge of her bed that wore the finest lavender silks money could buy. She tucked a loose silver lock behind her ivory ear and trailed her fingers down to her protruding belly as she sang softly to the child growing within it.

The shadows of this world will try to steal you away into their arms
But you belong in mine

A smile curled its way onto her rosy lips, letting herself be consumed by her own world. She thought and counted to herself on how many more days she had left until she meets her little one, yet she didn't notice her oldest daughter coming into her room.

The clearing of one's throat snapped her attention over to the doorframe that her daughter leaned against staring at her with a neutral expression.

"Oh hello Shizuka." Asagi greeted lovingly as she always did whenever she saw her. She beckoned Shizuka over to her, patting the other side of the bed for her to sit.

"Mother", She replied taking the seat in a proper matter with her hands folded in her lap. Despite the calm look on her face, Asagi could see the anger clouding her eyes. "How are you with that thing still inside of you?"

"Shizuka we've talked about this a hundred times already." She sighed, shaking her head.

"I know, and you continue to set my concerns to the side." Shizuka scoffed, losing her pristine posture to one resembling a moody teen's. "Aren't you at least worried that by having that thing you in you and how it will be putting your life in danger?"

"The 'thing' you keep referring to is going to be your new sibling." Asagi said hating the evil feeling that bubbled within her, but she hated who her daughter was being towards the new baby even more.

"I don't care what it is all,  I know that it will kill you and that gives me every reason to hate it." Shizuka shouted, "You should just kill it now, especially with that filthy human's blood pumping through it-" A stinging pain on her left cheek cut her short from finishing. She stared at her gentle mother in disbelief as Asagi stared back at her cold hazel eyes.

"Never speak such awful words ever again." Her icy tone sent shivers up Shizuka's spine, yet she didn't flinch away when her mother's warm hand reached out to caress her reddening cheek, "I'm sorry Shizuka, I know you're afraid of losing me but that's not going to happen." Oh how sad those hazel orbs were...

"But mother you heard the healers, they said that a half breed has never came into existence and we have no guaranteed knowledge that you'll survive the birth."

"Then I'll die knowing I gave my child the chance to live." She tried smiling, but she knew nothing could reassure her daughter. "I would die for all my children Shizuka, whether it is for you or this baby, I'd gladly give my life up for you two."

"Mother..." Shizuka could feel her tears slip along with her mother's as she pulled her close. However, she still avoided touching her belly.

"Now run along, I'm growing tired and in need of a nap." Asagi said pulling away. Shizuka nodded her head, understanding her mother's needs and stood up to leave. She paused for a moment when Asagi words pleaded in her direction, "Shizuka, you know how much I love you right."

Her back remained facing her as she spoke, "Yes mother, and I to you."

Even though Shizuka had exited her room, Asagi was still not alone.

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