- prolouge

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A broken-heart disease whenever someone leaves you but leaves all their things behind.

   I guess you could say some words are better left unspoken, better left forgotten if you asked me. But yet, some people are worth remembering. I guess thats all I can really say. 

     It was only January of 2010 when my dad was diagnosed with Lung Cancer, I was only sixteen. My mom, in hope and attempt to make more money for the bills, had to get a full-time job at her kinky little office building. It seemed that our small and humble life had taken a shaky turn towards desperation.

     I had dropped out of private school... Or better yet, kicked out. My grades are what was dropped- the once straight A student barely passed anything with a D. Better yet, I was diagnosed with depression. Daddy's little girl was no longer so strong- she became fragile. 

     Moving to public school was a transition was something I'd not soon forget. It was different to me, scary- considering this was one of the worst ones in our area. But it saved money... It saved us alot of money... 

      My dad was taking turns for the worse in the springof 2010- bad turns, and soon we found out that chemotherapy wasn't even helping him.

       My dad was dying. I knew it. My mum knew. Even he knew it. 

        He had roughly given six months...

        He died then. The beginning of Decemcer in 2011. Just... died. My dad. My shelter were his arms, my castle. His dark brown eyes were my sky. He was my daddy. And now he was gone.

    I missed his hugs, his smiles, the way he yelled at the TV during a football game. I missed his southern accent though he'd only been there for two weeks in his whole life. I missed his 'legendary' basbeall cards he had from as a kid. I missed watching marathons of CSI with him. I missed him.

    My mom had just about lost it then, she began drinking... Smoking... I really had no foundation. We were almost flat-out broke from the bills and shit

    I was in no condition for mental stability.

   But it seemed someone was listening to my crys of help at night, someone had been saving my tears. Because one day I met Finn.

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