Rosalie Avila part 2

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Rosalie was bullied to death after being called ugly a slut a whore and people kept saying she had herpes a video was posted around the whole school going viral it was comparing a pretty girl and ugly girl Rosalie being the ugly girl she apologized in her suicide note about being ugly and asked her parents for a closed casket and no pictures posted of her this is what or world really is bullying kids till they kill themselves making everyone feel bad about themselves where we laugh at others who are in pain cause we're not brave enough to go help them we laugh at jokes made on other people than cry and hurt when your the joke so please don't bully kids treat people the way you want to be treated I know writing this won't change anything I'm just a whisper compared to the adults who scream and yell my voice is small and gone in the wind it's only there for a second no one bothers to take the time to listen.

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