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Narrator did not give any specific situations therefore my main character decide to choose her own storyline.

What if one day you have the power to control the life of a person? But the consequence of your choice is someone will die, no matter which choice you have made.

"No matter which?"

"Yes. No matter which side"

"What if I choose wrong?"

"You will learn" and so she closed her eyes and let herself gets engulf by the smokes.

Choice 1

One night, I was walking alone and saw a burning apartment. Everyone is in a panic state of mind and fire-fighters trying their best to help all the victims evacuate from the burning place. I saw a pregnant women coughing and distress inside the burning place and on the right side, I saw a family of four screaming for help and their father trying to catch attention of watcher to help them. My throat getting dry and my heart beating so fast. I have to choose either the pregnant mother or the family of four.

My feet's start to move toward the pregnant mother. Because I couldn't. I never could see a pregnant woman looking so helpless and leaving her die. The baby didn't deserve it. She/he deserve to see the world because she/he is innocent. Not that I think the children with the family of four don't deserve to live, but I am sure the father would think a way to help his own family. But this pregnant mother? With no sight of husband with her side and no one sees her except for me. I have to help her.

Logically speaking, the mother do need help more than the family of four. There's nothing more heart-breaking than the news of pregnant mother died due to burning incident. She, who have to carry six month baby inside her belly, which already drained her energy enough. If I did not help her, how can she help herself? She, who could not even walk straight and sleeping well due to the pain on her feet and back. She, who could not even see her own feet while looking down. She, who would do anything to protect her unborn baby just so to give the baby chance to see the world. No matter how tough and cruel life can be, she, who would rather give her life in exchange for her baby. They already prepare to enough to die for their baby, but not like this, never like this.

I could not risk myself from leaving her alone. As a women, I too will become a mother one day. I could not let myself to ignore her. I tap on the shoulder of one of the fire fighter, and show him the location of family of four before I ran to help the pregnant woman.

"It's okay" I persuade myself while running to the pregnant woman.

"You already help what you could" I mumble to myself while reaching for the hand of pregnant woman.

"You pick the right choice" I said to myself while leading the distress pregnant woman outside of the burning apartment.

"You are okay. You are safe" I said to the pregnant woman while the paramedic giving her oxygen to breathe on. The pregnant woman look at me with a thankful expression. Her tired watery eyes look at me. She hold my hand and put it on top of her baby bump.

I look at the side where the family of four stuck before, the place have been swallowed by fire. I let out a shaky breath and close my eyes.

"Live" I said while touching the baby bump and feel the baby's kicking. I smile.

"Worth it"

She blink once, twice, before she wakes up from where she have been laying. She touch her cheeks and feel it wets with tears.

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