Bakugo:*angry* Kirishima...plan's changed. Before we go for Deku,I've gotta murder every last one of them!!

Class B,they threw the qualifiers and planned for the long game! Even before the Sports FEstival,I had the impression that,they're stronger than they seem. They want to end Class A's supremacy.

Midoriya:But from that,I can guess that they're not necessarily dead set on targeting me!! Guys,I think it won't be too hard to evade--

Present Mic:Looks like the match is half over already!!

Midoriya:Or maybe...It won't be quite that easy. | Todoroki:We're coming for you.

Present Mic:Class B is on the rise,but in the end,who will wear the ten-million point crown?!


Student:Don't add insult to injury,Monoma! No sense making enemies. | Monoma:You're right,that's not very hero-like. Plus you hear a lot about begrudged heroes getting payback from villains.

Bakugo:Oh,oh,ohh.... | Aeden:Oh sh-- | Kirishima:Calm down,Bakugo! If you don't keep your cool,we'll never get our points back!! | Bakugo:Keep moving,Kirishima! I'm as cool as ice! | Kirishima:Come on,man.


Midoriya:Looks like this won't end without a fight. | Tokoyami:They're really gunning for you,Midoriya. | Midoriya:We're halway through,so we've gotta keep moving! But they're.

Todoroki:Forward,Ida. | Ida:Okay! | Todoroki:Yaoyorozu,prepare out defense,the insulator too. | Yaoyarozu:Right! | Todoroki:Kaminari,you... | Denki:Yeah,I got it! Just stay alert! | Midoriya:Multiple teams incoming!

Denki:Indiscriminate shock,1.3 million volts!!

A large wave of electricity surged through the field. Everyone except Midoriya's team,who Dark Shadow protected them,and people who are outside of the range basically got fried.

Todoroki:Less than six minutes left,no turning back now. Sorry,just hang in there. | Shoji:Ack!

Present Mic:What's this?! Todoroki's taken out a herd of Calvary teams with one fierce attack!

Aizawa:He waited until they were stopped by Kaminari's shock before freezing them in place,I wouldn't expect any less. He must have recalled how many competitors managed to dodge his ice during the obstacle course. | Present Mic:Nice play-by-play!!

Todoroki started to take the competitors headbands,gaining more points.

Todoroki:I'll be taking this. | Student:Our headband!

Midoriya:The pack's on the fritz! | Hatsume:My baby! Guess there's more room for improvement. | Uraraka:They're too strong! We'll never get away! | Tokoyami:I'll create a diversion!

Dark Shadow go after Todoroki and attacked him,but Yaoyorozu blocked his attack by creating some sort of concrete block.

Midoriya:Her creation quirk! What a pain!

Tokoyami:No...Kaminari's the real problem. | Midoriya:?! | Tokoyami:His electricity generates light,and that would have wrecked my armor.

Right! Just focus on defending! There's no need for you to attack...

--Before the event started--

Tokoyami:The darker it is,the stronger my quirk grows,but then Dark Shadow is hard to control. In Daylight he's easier to manage but not much help in a fight. It's not like you knew,but picking me and my quirk for pure defense...Not a bad choice at all,I'd say. Use me as best you can,I trust you,Midoriya.

My Hero Academia: Mind Over MatterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora