Dye the Spirit

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Shěn Wēi and Zhào Yúnlán stand inside the time rift of the wormhole.

"It took me 10,000 years to find you...."

Shěn Wēi searches the other man's face cautiously, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Shěn Wēi s body is taught and trembling like a string of an over-turned violin. He is unaware that he is holding his breath until his vision swims.  Exhaling, Shěn Wēi  raises his gaze, and locks eyes with the object of his obsession. Zhào Yúnlán's breath catches and his heart seizes with painful understanding.

Visible in Shěn Wēi 's eyes is the truth laid bare. Every vague answer, every strange demand, every heroic action is silently explained. The depth of this man's love awes Zhào Yúnlán. It takes his breath away, causing him to feel lightheaded. He lowers his eyes, his vision blurring and makes a show of holstering his gun. He mumbles to himself,

"The world can be laid right with fate's apology." 

Decisively taking two steps forward, he pulls Shěn Wēi into his arms. His embrace is gentle at first; questioning and unsure like it was happening for the first time. Then the muscles in his arms tightened, determined to close a distance that has spanned ten millennia. His hold becomes desperate as if it were happening for the final time.

"Shěn Wēi a..." Zhào whispers, quietly. His throat, thick with emotion, can manage to utter nothing else. He fills his lungs with Shěn Wēi 's scent. And with exhaling, tightens his crushing embrace even further. His heart is beating thunderously against the walls of his chest searching for its echo.


Shěn Wēi's resolve had long ago become a facade of aging mortar, but habitually, his body stiffens from the contact. His heart begins to pound-out an erratic staccato of response to the heart of the man holding him. Fissures form in the wall that has protected it for centuries. He starts to pull away but a warm breath brushes the sensitive area behind his ear as Zhào Yúnlán whispers his name like a valediction to an answered prayer.

The dam breaks.

It is almost audible. A tidal wave of emotion bursts forth, freeing itself from years of self-inflicted bondage. Shěn Wēi  no longer in control of his own body as his arms snake around the waist of the man pressed against him.His body draws on in the familiar warmth. The S.O.S. of Shěn Wēi 's heart, answered in earnest, by the love of this once god, of this now man.

This is his Kunlun from then and this is his Yúnlán from now.

Bliss engulfs them. Moments pass between then and now and they know nothing else but each other's love. Their hearts like so much in their lives, fall into a synchronous rhythm. They remain without a hair's breadth between them, neither wanting to break the embrace.

Zhào Yúnlán nuzzles Shěn Wēi s neck inhaling his scent of fall peach leaves and mountain snow.  He fancies himself a drunken sommelier, determined to commit each note to memory.

Shěn Wēi sighs contently, whispering,"If only..."

Zhào Yúnlán tenses at the words. His vision swims. He squeezes his eyes shut further, braces, and asked, "Is this the real world or a dream world?"

In the distance, a dog barks.

Zhào Yúnlán's eyes flutter open. With a sigh, he rolls over to shut off the alarm.

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