The Heart of the Matter

Start from the beginning

Stevie rolled her eyes. "Andrew, be an adult. I know you've seen breasts before."

"Well, yeah," he mumbled as his eyes focused on the ceiling. Andrew felt his face burning from embarrassment. He put her meal onto the over-bed table Lindsey pushed over.

Lindsey shook his head and stepped closer. "I got it, son."

He gladly let Lindsey take over, and he hurriedly scrambled out of the way. Andrew retrieved his breakfast along with Libba's, handing it to her and sitting down. "Shut up," he mumbled as she giggled incessantly. "I wasn't expecting to walk in and see your mom's boobs," he said in a low voice.

Libba snickered and leaned into his ear, whispering. "Most males would kill to see those."

Andrew's cheeks flushed at her remark. "Eat your breakfast, Lib," he instructed, stuffing his mouth full of fluffy banana pancakes.

She grinned as her hand crept to the back of his neck, ruffling his locks. She pecked his cheek. "I'm sorry, but you're so adorable when you're embarrassed. Your cheeks turn such a deep red. I wish I could make that color when I paint."

He grumbled as she dug into her western omelet. Andrew didn't question the silence as everyone ate. He had been hungry for hours. The meal in celebration of Stevie's birthday had long vanished. He looked around the room. Lindsey demolished his steak and eggs. He didn't dare look Stevie's way but heard her declare that she was finished. Andrew helped Libba clear the mess. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Stevie motioning him over to her.

"I'm covered." She looked up at him as she finished burping Emalie. "Do you want to hold her? You haven't asked."

He scratched the back of his neck and shuffled his feet nervously, flashing a shy, crooked smile. "I'm afraid I might break her or drop her."

Her lips curved into that smile that could cure the tightest ball of nerves. She patted the bed, urging him to sit. "You won't break her or drop her. I promise. She's full and content," she told him as he sat. She schooled Andrew on how to hold her little girl and winked at Elisabeth. She answered his every curiosity as he became acquainted with the infant. Stevie covered her mouth as she yawned, settling back against the pillows and closing her eyes. She lazily opened them moments later, yawning again. She fought sleep for a few more minutes before quietly giving into exhaustion.

Lindsey glanced at the clock and walked over to Andrew, lifting Emalie up. He supported her head and rested her against his chest, rubbing her back. He looked over his shoulder at Elisabeth. "I think we all need rest. Why don't you two go home, take a nap, get a shower, and come back?"

"But Daddy," Libba protested. She wasn't ready to leave. She didn't want to leave the hospital without knowing her brother's future.

"Elisabeth Rhiannon," he uttered in a low, stern voice. He knew she wouldn't argue with that tone.

She sighed and stood to her feet. "Okay. You're right," she lamented and told her baby sister goodbye. She kissed her father's cheek. "I love you, daddy."

"I love you too, Libba."

Elisabeth crept to her mother's bed, lightly kissing her head and whispering that she'd return later. She took Andrew's hand, waved at her father, and left the room.

Lindsey waltzed around the room with Emalie in his arms. He grinned from ear to ear as she held onto his index finger. "Now, I know your mother wants you to stay in the room, but she needs to sleep. I probably should too, and I know the nurses aren't finished with you. How about we break your mama's rule, kiddo?" He took her itty-bitty grunt as an affirmative answer. Lindsey kissed her head and paged a nurse.

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