Thoughts and Prayers

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"Lauren, why are you smiling like that?" Finally snapped out of her reverie by her roommate Julia, Lauren began stammering an answer. Julia rolled her eyes at her friend's incoherent babbling. "You know what? Nevermind. Don't answer that. I don't need to hear about how funny your soulmate is for the millionth time."

It was true: Lauren had been communicating with her soulmate, Joey, again. But could you really blame her? Ever since their thoughts had been linked when Lauren was thirteen, she had always turned to him when it felt like the world sucked, because he could always make her laugh. There were times throughout her adolescence when she couldn't say that about very many people in her life, and now, dead-smack in the middle of her sophomore year's spring finals, was one of those times.

Aww, I'm glad you feel that way about me, Lo. Her soulmate's voice stirred her from her thoughts. She hadn't realized she was still using their connection.

Shut up, JoJo, she thought back at him snarkily, but she was smiling and he knew it.


Ugh, that final was the worst. Exiting the lecture hall where her required physics class's final had taken place, Lauren suffered from the overwhelming desire to collapse on the sidewalk and hibernate.

Oof. What class? Her soulmate's response came almost immediately, cheering her up significantly.

Physics. General Education requirement. At least I'll never have to take a science course again, right?

That's right, always look on the bright side of life. And if it makes you feel any better, I just got out of my AP Stats Exam.

Right, Joey was still in high school. She had learned of their age difference the first time they ever communicated, and it honestly didn't bother her. They had literally grown up on opposite sides of the country. What was a two-year age gap in comparison to that?

That does make me feel better. Stats is the worst. I'm surprised the exam was this early, though. Only May 3rd.

Yeah, colleges want to know what credits you've got, like, a week after Commitment Day.

Lauren stopped dead in her tracks. May 1st. Commitment Day. The day when high school seniors -- Joey included -- made one of the biggest decisions of their lives: where they would attend college. A pit formed in her stomach, a sense of guilt at having forgotten his big day. He hadn't forgotten hers, two years ago. And on May 1st, he had spent at least ten minutes mentally cracking jokes to comfort her after a horrible Stagecraft final. She collected herself, carefully hiding away her thoughts of guilt, replacing them with excitement and pride in her soulmate. They'd exchanged some thoughts during his process of choosing a college, but Lauren, not wanting to influence his decision, had been extremely careful to hide that fact that she attended the University of Michigan, especially after he revealed that it was his top choice.

Right! How did that go?

I committed to the University of Michigan. Couldn't be more excited. A secret grin broke out across Lauren's face, her physics final pushed out her mind completely. This was it. In the fall, she'd find her soulmate less than a mile away from her at any given time. They'd use the same dining halls, walk the same paths, attend the same football games. He'd take the same courses that she had struggled through during her freshman year, and they'd use the same performance spaces because as she had discovered, he wanted to study theatre too. Laurens heartbeat quickened perceptibly and her mind buzzed in a way that she couldn't hide from Joey, even if she tried.

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