Chapter 2

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One had very long hair in a braid and wore a hat with black jeans and a white shirt with black sneakers. Another man had a mohawk and looked scary. He wore a black tank top and blue jeans and also had black sneakers on. Another one had green hair and a bandage over his eye. He wore a light blue sweater slightly unzipped showing a black shirt under and wear black jeans. The last one had black hair and red tips and look Asian. He wore a black hoodie and black jeans. But both the last men weren't shoes.

(Y/n) quickly looked down at her feet and then walked over to her telescope. "U-Umm... Excuse miss.. But can you please give us directions to a hotel?" Asked the long-haired man. (Y/n) looked at them. Candy then ran up to the men and jumped on the green-haired boy's leg.

"Candy!" (Y/n) said as the green-haired boy picked the small dog up and Candy licked his face. He laughed.

"Hey, that tickles~" He giggled.

"I-I am so-so s-sorry about C-Candy! She i-is super friendly a-and-" (Y/n) was cut off by a girl jumping the fence. (Y/n) looked to see her best Akira.

"Thought I would find you outside looking at the stars," Akira said.

"... Akira?" (Y/n) said. "But... You live..."

"In the city, yeah I know. I ran away~... I was wondering if I could spend the night" Akira said.

"A-Akira!" (Y/n) said.

"Don't act like you are any better miss trespass just to get a good look at the stars" Akira said.

"Shhh! Mom might hear you dumbass!" (Y/n) said.

"So who are they?" Akira said pointing to them.

"They wanted directions to a hotel..." (Y/n) mumbled.

"Seriously? And you ask the girl that can barely find her way to her second-period class in school. Go right and head straight for an hour. There will be a street called Rosemary, take a right there and go straight till you get to the hotel called Blueballs" Akira said.

"A-Akira! that's not what it's called!" (Y/n) shouted. "It's called Lodge inn..."

"So you can remember the name but not where it is?" Akira said putting her hands on her hips looking down at her friend.

"I found the cat eyes Nebula... Wanna look at it?" (Y/n) said.

"Sure!" Akira said looking through the scope.

"... My name is Uno... So you girls are bad girls?" Said the man with long hair in a braid walking up to them. "These are my friends, Jyugo, Rock, and Nico"

"That's a weird tattoo of a number on your face. Plus, you look our age... Why get a number on your face?" Akira said.

"Akira, that's rude~" (Y/n) whispered.

"What's it to you?" Jyugo said.

Akira looked at him and smirked. "It's illegal for a minor to get a tattoo unless their parent allowed them. Which usually most parents don't" Akira said. "Unless you came from a prison then you probably didn't have a choice~," Akira said looking back at the scope and moving it around. "Hey, look was I found," Akira said looking back at (Y/n).

"What did you find?" (Y/n) mumbled looking at the scope.

"It's a red dot," Akira said.

"That's mars" (Y/n) said looking at her taller. "Even you should know that"

Candy then barked. (Y/n) flinched and looked Candy as she jumped out of Nico's arms and ran to the (Y/n). "Oh, and to answer your question, Uno... I am, but (Y/n) really isn't~... But she does trespass a lot" Akira said. "And like Jyugo, I got a tattoo~... It's on my waist. (Y/n)'s name~... Because she is my best friend~"

"I'm surprised your father hasn't seen it yet" (Y/n) said looking at her friend and back the scope and moved it around a little.

"He would have to strip to find it," Akira said as (Y/n) phone went off on top of the car. Then Akira's phone.

(Y/n) looked at her phone on top of the car and ran over and jumped up and got it. She looked at her phone to see an Amber Alert. "A girl by the name of Akira has gone missing. She is tall and slim with green eyes and long brown hair with freckles. She is 17 and is most likely wearing white and black checkered vans. She is also attracted to women, so you might see her flirting" (Y/n) read off looking her friend afterward. Akira nervously smiled at her smaller friend.

"Go home!" (Y/n) said. "I'm not getting sent to juvie because you want to run away!"

"Come on~ I wanna stay the night with a cute girl~" Akira whined.

"Fine~" (Y/n) mumbled as she dialed her father's phone number.

"Hello?! (Y/n)!" He said.

Hey, what are you doing!?" Akira whisper shouted

"Hi, mister Sweets... So umm... I didn't know Akira 'ran away' but she didn't mean to. She thought she told you she was going to leave to spend the night at my house. I hope it's okay if she does and that she isn't in trouble! She really thought she told you!" (Y/n) said. "Please! I'll do the lawn at your house! But Akira really shouldn't be in trouble"

"It's fine (Y/n)... Mistakes happen sometimes. It's fine if she stays. But tell her to come home tomorrow" He said.

"Thank you so much!! I will! Have a good night!" (Y/n) said.

"You too," He said and hung up.

"You had me worried," Akira said.

"Like I am someone to throw someone under the bus~... I just saved your ass" (Y/n) giggled.

"You lie like no other~... It's scary sometimes" Akira said. "But... What are you boys still doing here? I gave you directions"

"... It's in a city~," Rock said.

"We can't go to a city," Jyugo said.

"... We can sneak them into your room," Akira said.

"And if my mom sees my pebble will be taken away" (Y/n) said pointing to her telescope. "Not happening! I'm not taking those chances! And I won't be able to go to the planetarium tomorrow! Plus, I only have one bed that can fit two people and my bedroom isn't that big"

Akira looked at (Y/n). "... My room is messy too?" (Y/n) said. "... Stop looking at me!!"

"If your mother asks, they are friends of mine. We got bored at my house, left, and came here so that I can introduce you to more people. Your mother won't be upset because she wants you to make friends anyway~" Akira said. "And I'll take the blame if you do. I'll say I pressured you into it"

"... I hate you~" (Y/n) mumbled.

"Listen.. I might be mean sometimes, but I'm not allowing people sleep on the streets" (Y/n) said. "And I know you wouldn't either~..."

"I'm staying out here longer... Can you feed Candy when you go inside? And please don't touch the project on my desk. I have been working on it for a month now, I will be very mad if it breaks" (Y/n) said.

"Sure thing," Akira said as the boys followed Akira inside and Nico picked up Candy. 

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