"Frat boy...bending over...I-" he was flabbergasted to say the least, and I was about to start clapping before I realized I was ease dropping. He must've sensed me watching him because he turned to my direction. I quickly darted behind the wall, my heart rate spiking at the thought of getting caught. How embarrassing!

     He didn't see me though.

     "I am not a frat boy," his voice was firm, and if I hadn't heard his angry voice so much, I wouldn't have been able to detect the underlying anger. He held up his finger, stopping her before she could rebut, "That's like me assuming that your boyfriend is a gangster and you're a hood rat."

     My jaw dropped, and it took everything in me not to laugh. I bit my fist, compressing a snort.

     "Shut the fuck up," she chuckled, and the subtle relief on Carson's face was almost sad. "Boy, move out of my way so I can go to class."

     "Let me take you out," he proposed, arching a brow, looking calm on the outside, but he was probably nervous. Who am I kidding? The small upturn of his full lips shows his freaking confidence, and by the shocked look on the girl's face, I knew he had her. "So I can show you I'm not a fucking frat boy. "

     "And where would you take me?" She tilted her head to the side, not noticing him take a step closer to her, closing the distance. No, girl fight back! Don't let him get you!

     "That's for me to decide, and you to keep wondering until we get there," he lifts his hand, trying again for the contact, and this time, she doesn't smack his hand away. She lets him brush his finger along her hairline before he tucked a thick curl behind her ear, caressing her brown skin. I groaned inwardly. He got her.

     "Fine," she cleared her throat after hearing her voice sound so feeble and soft. She then reached for the door, but he placed his big hand onto it, keeping it closed.

"How can I tell you what to wear and when to be ready if I ain't got your number?" He then captures her with that earth-shattering smile of his, the one where those beautiful, deep dimples of his crease his cheeks. And with his face being so close to hers, she has no choice but to look from one cheek to the other, and becoming stunned by how truly gorgeous he—

What the fuck, Carter?

It was when I realized I was full on checking Carson out that I snapped back to reality, and saw her typing her number into his phone. Within seconds, her phone chimed, and she gave Carson a slightly annoyed smile before brushing past him, into the classroom. I took that as my cue to walk in, too. I wanted to pretend that I didn't hear their conversation, but I couldn't help myself. "Ain't?" I smirk, pulling open the door of the room.

"I say it from time to time," he shrugs. "It's not cool to eavesdrop, though, Carter." His hand takes the place of mine, holding the door open for me before stepping into the threshold after I do. Carson...manners? He's definitely trying too hard.


     He raises his hand to ask Mr. Chute a question, and my eyes travel from his hairline, where a bead of sweat was forming, attempting to grow so that it can make its journey downward, along the bridge of his nose. My eyes cast down to his lips. Gosh, how many girls has he gone down on?

     As his lips part, I don't pay attention to the words coming out of them, just the way they moved so enticingly. I don't care how many girls has had their legs locked around his head, I just know I want my legs there, suffocating him, forcing him to lick me into oblivion.

     The bead dropped, and his head turned. Piercing grey eyes nailed me to my seat, and I was forced to stare into his steely eyes, shivering from the icy color. He was moving closer to me. Was he gonna kiss me? Now? In front of everyone? Alright.

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