One Valentine's Day at a Time ✰

Start from the beginning

Schneider walked in and the rest of us took that as our cue to leave, before we had to deal with a ridiculous conversation

"Did you get all my letters?" Alex asked as we walked out

"Yep. Don't worry I didn't open the one that says 'don't open until Valentine's'" I reassured him with a smile

"Okay good. Open that later. I'm going to try to sneak over when my mom falls asleep." He said

"Come on, Alex. You could get in trouble." I sighed

"It'll only be fifteen minutes, mi amada." He insisted with a smile


"The veijitas lawm bowling tournament turned into the veijitas wet T-shirt contest" Dr. B groaned as we came back to the apartment, soaking wet from the rain

I rubbed my arms, freezing and upset. Alex noticed and grabbed his sweatshirt that was on the couch and handed it to me. I put it on, hugging him so he'd be warmer.

"No." Penelope groaned

"It was so beautiful on the outside. I should have looked up at the sky." Alex groaned sadly

"Where's Mami?" Penelope asked

Right on cue, Lydia came in with basically an Afro. She complained to Alex and Penelope while I tried looking for a brush.

When I turned around, I screamed and dropped the brush at the sight of Elena and Syd.

"Me too, girl." Penelope agreed, "You both look like Carrie."

Elena explained that her and Syd stayed and ran the whole thing, even though it rained.

"Yeah. You showed them." Alex nodded, making me laugh

"You look ridiculous." Lydia agreed

"Hmm. Look who's talking, Chia Pet." Elena snapped, making Lydia gasp and rush to her room

"And your hair is flat." Elena said to Alex, making him shriek and run.

"Your hair is frizzy." Elena finished, pointing at my head

"Yeah, I'm not surprised." I shrugged, going to the kitchen

Since the rain wasn't clearing up anytime soon, we decided to have a party. I had changed into Alex's sweatshirt and pair of sweatpants, so I wasn't stuck in a wet dress

I was helping everyone hang up streamers and other decorations.

"Wow, Mom, you clean up nice." Alex complimented Penelope when she walked in, dressed up.

"Oh, thank you. You're still grounded." She said

He sighed making me smirk, "But I'll admit it's nice to have an excuse to dress up. Come on. If you want to get out of the apartment, help me find the champagne flutes in the garage. Because we are having a party!"

Penelope stopped when she opened the door and saw Mateo with flowers, "You're having a party?"

"We are having a party." Lydia confirmed, while dancing

I laughed and went to help her in the kitchen with Alex and Leslie, to give the couple more privacy.

Alex was chopping something and I was making sure he didn't cut his fingers off.

Leslie sighed sadly, making Lydia groan in annoyance, "Leslie, your breathing is so sad. Stop breathing."

Alex and I giggled about their relationship and I help him cut.

MISFIT ❁ ALEX ALVAREZWhere stories live. Discover now