Love At First Sight

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Crystal's POV
Ugh I'm goin on Tour and Im with Oliver,Oliver has been my crush since I saw him at musically/Tiktok ugh too bad she's in love with Tessa (i love tessa this is just for the story) she's also in love with him too well the only thing that keeps me happy is I'm with all my besties
Zoe Laverne
Lexi Orlove
Hannah Rylee
And I guess Hailey
Well me and Hailey recently got into a fight because she accused me "Murdering" Somebody like bishhh whattt
But ill try to talk to her if I can :| I think I'll just go to sleep
"Ughhh" I said before realizing I'm going on tour today I quickly get up and go to the shower after that I wore a
Blue crop top blue'n'white striped felt pants and sandals I then go down stairs and eat break fast while I was eating breakfast I called the Tour Bus to get here in 25 Minutes I finished eating breakfast and went to brush my teeth I curled my hair a bit I then get my bags and hydro flask and no I'm not a VsCo gIrL(hehe) I go downstairs and go live for a bit until the bus comes i go to Instagram and go live "Heyy bishessss I'm just gonna be live for 15 mins cuz I'm waiting for the tour bus to come so yea"
I started a Q'n'A then suddenly comments started to fill up with "Who Do You Like??" And "Do You have a crush" Then in great timing the Tour Bus came I quickly said bye to them "Well Bye Bishess cuz the tour bus I here i promise will continue later or tomorrow:]" I went outside and got my things in the bus I went to the manager to grab my assigned bed I went to it and see-

OOFFFF Cliffhanger I'm so sorrehhh dat I didn't post but I was really busyyy so yeah I might post later let's see🤷‍♀️

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