Chapter 2

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We were all doing sit ups. I was helping Kirishima.

"So got any idea what we are going to do? Like how are we going to improve our quirks? I can't wait to get stronger!"

"Haha I know, to be honest I am kind of scared of mine. You know what happens sometimes I lose control and started a forest fire..."

"YOU DID WHAT?!? That is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard."

Bakugou yelled at me I was shocked he was listing to me. "I was only five! I have most control over it. Didn't you have troubles when you were young Bakugou?"

"Why would I tell you that? It's none of your business."

He said looking away and going back to working out.


Kirishima and I switched. I kept looking at Bakugou what's up with him. "Hey Kirishima I seen you talk to him? What kind of guy is he?"

"Bakugou? I say he's pretty chill threw his anger issues. I am giving him a chance I mean I just met him so I can't know much."

"Haha yea that's true."

"Why are you interested in him?"

Kirishima smiled I chuckled and shook my head. "Eh not really but kind of at the same time. I'm here to be a hero remember?"


Bakugou yelled I laughed in embarrassment. All of a sudden Bakugou and I locked eyes, my heart started to flutter. He looks so manly... We were laying beside each other now since we switched... He looked away from me about 7 seconds after.


Was all he said then he looked away. This is so awkward way to go Y/n. You have ruined any chance to be his friend. The day went forward and I felt like someone was watching me... I looked up from my desk Bakugou was looking at me. "Why are you looking at me?"


He yelled at me I just laughed and leaned onto Kirishima. "Kiri help me..." He just laughed and rubbed his neck.

"Hey Bakugou want to hang out with us after school?"

"WHAT?!?" What the heck Kirishima...

Bakugou walked up to us.

"Why the hell would I want to hang out with you weirdos?"

"Aw come on, there is no harm in getting to know someone!"

Bakugou kept looking into my eyes. "I don't want to force you to do anything. It was mostly his idea, but I wouldn't mind it."

"Ha I think I will pass. I don't haven time to be around some idiots."

"Aw come on man! Thats not very manly you dont even know us! I think ypu woukd be a cool person to hang put with."

Kirishima tired to convince Bakugo.


Was all that Bakugo said then he left... "Still think we can still be his friend?"


He gave me a huge smile and a thumbs up. I laughed and shook my head. "Alright I'll try as well he's interesting to say to the least. Maybe he just needs friends to help him out."

"See there you go! Now you are thinking manly Y/n!"

"Haha yea thanks Kirishima."

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