Stole My Heart

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Ok new new story. So basically if you are a glee watcher you all know about the abomination that was last nights episode. I honestly don't even know how I feel about Blaine anymore. He broke up my ship and I hate him for that! Anyways this is not about glee. I'm a stress writer so yeah! Enjoy!

The backdrop to our story is a warm summer night. The moon was high in the sky and the stars sparkled along side it.

A man and women in black made their way across the roof tops. Snippet riffle tied to the mans back. Harry and Paige jumped from roof to roof, being careful not to be caught. They gracefully jumped to the last roof before making their way over to the sky light in the middle of the house.

He peered inside and could see his next target. She was young, about his age and had her blond hair up in a ponytail. She slept on her back peacefully, one arm slung over her stomach, moving up and down with ever breath she took.

He nodded at Paige to look out and she nodded back. He pulled the riffle off his back and quietly lifted one of the sun roofs panels. He positioned the shot at Maddy perfectly (he never missed after all) and took the shoot.

Meanwhile about 15 blocks away, another criminal act was in motion.

"its a great piece, how much for it again?" a women asked to a 20 year old in a black tux ,who was wearing glasses.

"750,000", he said and the women nodded, trying to think if it's worth the buy.

"It is the original you know, more than 200 years old", Louis said. He know he was loosing the women's interest and had to reel her back in.

"You could brag to all your friends about it", he said and the women smiled.

"Deal", she said and Louis smirked.

"Excellent, now I take cash so...", he told her, holding out his hand for the money.

"Oh of course, of course, just a moment", she told him and produced a stack of money from her purse and counting out 750,000.

"Pleasure doing business with you", the women said as the art museum staff took down the painting and Louis took the money

"The pleasure was all mine", he returned back with a smile before exiting the building with 750,000 dollars and the lady leaving with a forged art piece.

The FBI was hot on both their trails. Even though Louis and Harry were 'arch enemy's' they still met up at some points and those points would be the perfect time to capture both of them.

"Liam, there was an apparent con at the art museum, probably Tomlinson", Jaime informed her partner/boyfriend.

"Great Niall, try to hatch the security cameras footage", he told Niall and Niall gave him a thumbs up.

"On it", he said just as another agent run into the room

"Sir, there has been an attempted shooting at the Russell household, looks like Styles and Matheson where there", she informed and Liam sighed.

"Any other news?" he asked, a little agitated and the girl nodded.

"There have been sightings of Zayn Malik recently", she said and Liam throw his hands up in the air and Jaime and Niall sighed.

"Out of all the times in my life that rouge spy had to show up it had to be now!", he exclaimed.

"It's going to be a long night", Jaime told Niall and he nodded in agreement.

Ok this chapter still doesn't cover or explain everything but I should update with in the next day or so.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2012 ⏰

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