Surprise Sibling Reunion

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When Steve and Melody reach the front door, Melody unlocks the door before turning to Steve.

"Give me your bag. I'm gonna get on your back." Melody tells him.

"What? Why?" Steve questions, completely confused.

"I have a surprise for you and I have to cover your eyes and you're like, a full foot taller than me." She informs him, pointing out their obvious height difference.

"Why can't I just close my eyes?" Steve asks.

"Because you might peek." Melody says, taking Steve's bag and pushing the door open a little bit.

Steve sighs and bends down a little so she can get on his back. Once she's on, she guides him into the house. He takes a few steps before Melody tells him to stop. The couch is a few more steps ahead of them.

"Okay, now, you wanna turn and go to your right." She says, tapping his right shoulder.

"Okay.." Steve trails off.

"Okay, now, stop and then you're gonna go left." She taps his left shoulder once and then he turns, taking a few more steps.

"Left again and keep your eyes closed."

Melody slides off his back and positions him in front of the couch where her great grandmother, grandmother, and mother are sitting. She steps in front of Steve and pokes him a few times before telling him to open his eyes.

"Oh... my... God.. Stephanie?!" Steve says, completely shocked once he opens his eyes and sees his sister.

Stephanie gets off of the couch and hugs her brother for the first time in decades. Melody looks at her mom and grandma and they both smile at her. She hugs her mom and grandma and catches them up on stuff, minus the whole fighting aliens in New York thing.

Steve turns around after him and Stephanie had a few minutes to catch up.

"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry. Hi." Steve says as he looks at Melody, Lauren, and Molly.

"This is Molly, your niece and Lauren, your grand niece." Melody introduces, pointing to the women sitting at either side of her.

Steve embraces both of the women, happy to finally meet the women he's heard about from Melody. The family he thought wouldn't even exist after he went into the ice. Melody smiles and leaves the three women and Steve to talk and catch up as she goes into the kitchen to cook dinner for her family.

To say that Steve was shocked was an understatement. His little sister was now 89 with a small family of her own which also meant he had a family. A group of amazing women that he was related to by blood. Not just the friends who had become his second family, but actual blood relatives.

What was most unnerving to him about the situation was the fact that he was 5 years older than his sister and still looked 27, like he did when he went into the ice and his baby sister looked way older than him. It just felt wrong to him. But, he was still more than happy to have his sister back for as long as he possibly could.

As Steve was caught in his own train of thought, Molly, Lauren, and Stephanie started their own conversation, talking about some tv show completely unknown to him. While listening to the three women talk, he caught a whiff of something that smelled absolutely amazing, prompting him to get out of his seat and head in the direction of the kitchen.

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